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Feast: Modesti

Chants for this feast are included in 1 sources.
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I-BV 1938371690Analyse

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Feast: Modesti


601799: Pompam enim saecularem | I-BV 19


203489: O Modesti sidus | I-BV 19


100254: Sancte Modeste levita | I-BV 19

M A 1.1

200800: Claris hortus parentibus | I-BV 19

M A 1.2

203262: Nobilitatem sui | I-BV 19

M A 1.3

205077: Ut excessit infantia | I-BV 19

M R 1.1

601164: In tellure Sardinea | I-BV 19

M R 1.2

602392: Ut excessit infantia | I-BV 19

M R 1.3

601799: Pompam enim saecularem | I-BV 19

M A 2.1

205319: Voluptatem non amabat | I-BV 19

M A 2.2

202200: His vacabat operibus | I-BV 19

M A 2.3

201156: Deo semper jejunando | I-BV 19

M R 2.1

601038: Hic vir tutum gemmis | I-BV 19

M R 2.2

600646: Dum annorum esset | I-BV 19

M R 2.3

601772: Per hunc namque | I-BV 19

M A 3.1

202729: Jejunio praecipuus | I-BV 19

M A 3.2

203970: Pro sciebat jugiter | I-BV 19

M A 3.3

204597: Servi sui sancti | I-BV 19

M R 3.1

601027: Hic bis bini lumen | I-BV 19

M R 3.2

601917: Purpuratus martyrio | I-BV 19

M R 3.3

601055: Hodie derelicto | I-BV 19

L A 1

203488: O Modeste martyr | I-BV 19

L A 2

201852: Floribus rosarum | I-BV 19

L A 3

203249: Nihil aliud respiciendum | I-BV 19

L A 4

204607: Si corpore clauditur | I-BV 19

L A 5

203521: O quam beata et | I-BV 19


204858: Tantis et talibus | I-BV 19