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Feast: Gratiarum Actionis

Chants for this feast are included in 2 sources.
Siglumsort descendingTotal chantsDistinct chantsAntiphonsResponsoriesAverage concordancesLink
E-L Ms 8132000Analyse
PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)147700Analyse

Liturgical positionsChants in sources -
Feast: Gratiarum Actionis

V A 1

206236: Cantemus domino | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 2

206239: Dextera tua domine | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 3

206231: Arcus fortium superatus | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 4

206246: Justi decantaverunt | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 5

206241: Ego autem in somno | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 1M

206235: Benedictus dominus | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)

V A 2M

002377: Domine rex omnipotens | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20) | PL-Kkar 4 (Rkp 20)