List of feasts | Cantus Index for Office and Mass

List of feasts

Displaying 1001 - 1200 of 1781

All feasts | Sanctorale in order by date

Enter any part of a word or feast code
Term Term description Usual Date Feast code Number of chants Links

Kenelm, Prince of Mercian Royal Family

Jul.17 14071710 0 Analyse
Kiliani et sociorum

Kilian and companions, Martyrs

Jul.8 14070810 35 Analyse

Cunegund (Kunegunde), Queen

Mar.3 14030300 5 Analyse

Indicates missing page(s) in MS

00000000 0 Analyse

Ladislaus, King of Hungary

Jun.27 14062700 36 Analyse

Lambert, Bishop of Maestricht

Sep.17 14091700 97 Analyse

In week after Lambert

14091708 1 Analyse

Landelinus, Abbot

Jun.15 14061520 0 Analyse

Landericus (Landry), Bishop of Paris

Jun.10 14061000 0 Analyse

Launomarus, Abbot of Corbie

Jan.19 14011930 2 Analyse

Laurence, Martyr

Aug.10 14081000 324 Analyse
Laurentii de Brundusio Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Jul.21 0 Analyse
Laurentii Justiniani Episcopi, Conf.
Sep.5 0 Analyse

In week after Laurence

14081008 9 Analyse

Lautein (Lothenus, Lautenus), Abbot, founder of Silèze and Maximiac abbeys in the Jura mountains

Nov.2 14110200 0 Analyse

Lazarus of Bethany, "Bp." Marseilles

Dec.17 14121700 35 Analyse

Lebwin (Lebuin, Liafwin, Leafwine), Confessor

Nov.12 14111200 0 Analyse

Leocadia of Toledo, Virgin Martyr

Dec.9 14120920 0 Analyse

Leodegarius (Leger), Bishop Martyr

Oct.2 14100200 48 Analyse

Leonard, Hermit

Nov.6 14110610 94 Analyse
Leonardi a Portu Mauritio

Leonardo of Porto Maurizio (Leonard of Port Maurice), confessor, missionary and ascetic writer (canonized 1867)

Nov.26 14112630 2 Analyse

Leo the Great, Pope

Jun.28 14062800 0 Analyse
Leonis I Papae, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris
Apr.11 0 Analyse
Leonis, Pont.

Leo IX, Pope

Apr.19 14041900 1 Analyse
Leonis, Pont., Quad.

Leo IX, Pope, when the feast occurs during Lent

Apr.19 14041910 0 Analyse

Leopardus, Martyr

Sep.30 14093010 34 Analyse

Leopold, Margrave of Austria (Leopoldi Marchionis)

Nov.15 14111520 0 Analyse
Leopoldi, transl.

Moving of Leopold, Margrave of Austria's relics (Leopoldi Marchionis)

Feb.15 14021520 44 Analyse

Leufred (Leufroy), Abbot

Jun.21 14062110 0 Analyse

Liborius, Confessor and Bishop of Lemans

Jul.23 14072300 0 Analyse

Licinius, Confessor, Bishop of Angers

Nov.1 14110150 1 Analyse

Linus, Bishop of Rome

Nov.26 14112600 0 Analyse
Lini Papae, Martyris
Sep.23 0 Analyse

Indicates an erasure in MS (to be used when the liturgical occasion is unknown)

00000001 0 Analyse

Adrian, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg

Sep.8 14090830 0 Analyse

Afra, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg and Muenster

Aug.7 14080710 0 Analyse

Anne, as witnessed in Muenster (after 1510)

Aug.16 14081650 0 Analyse

Anne, as witnessed at Zutphen

Jul.19 14071900 0 Analyse

Chrysanthus and Daria, as witnessed at Muenster

Oct.24 14102420 0 Analyse

Jerome, as witnessed in Muenster

Sep.28 14092810 0 Analyse

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, as witnessed at Muenster

Jun.27 14062710 0 Analyse

Sulpitius (Sulpitianus, Simplicius) and Servilianus, Martyrs, as witnessed at Augsburg

Oct.3 14100310 0 Analyse
LOCAL:Tr.Trium Regum

Moving of relics of the Three Kings (the Magi) to Cologne in the 12th Century, as witnessed in Muenster

Jul.26 14072620 0 Analyse
LOCAL:Transl. Serva.

Moving of Servatius's relics

Jun.7 14060710 0 Analyse

Luke, Evangelist

Oct.18 14101800 8 Analyse

In week after Luke

14101808 0 Analyse

Lucanus of Gascony, Martyr

Oct.30 14103000 0 Analyse

Lucy (Lucia), Virgin Martyr

Dec.13 14121300 83 Analyse
Luciae, Germiniani

Lucy and Germinianus, Martyrs

Sep.16 14091620 0 Analyse

In week after Lucy

14121308 0 Analyse
Luciani et sociorum

Lucianus and companions, Martyrs

Oct.16 14101620 0 Analyse
Lucii I Papae, Martyris
Mar.1 0 Analyse

Ludger (Liudger), First Bishop of Muenster

Mar.26 14032600 37 Analyse

Ludmila, Matron and Martyr

Sep.16 14091630 57 Analyse

Louis IX, King of France

Aug.25 14082500 29 Analyse
Ludovici Toul.

Louis, Bishop of Toulouse

Aug.19 14081900 6 Analyse

Lupus (Leu), Bishop of Sens

Sep.1 14090110 38 Analyse
Lupi Bajocensis

Lupus, Bishop of Bayeux

Oct.25 14102520 0 Analyse

Lutgard, Virgin, Mystic, Cistercian Order

Jun.16 14061620 0 Analyse

Macarius the Elder, Hermit

Jan.15 14011530 0 Analyse

Holy Maccabees, Martyrs

Aug.1 14080120 0 Analyse

Maclovius (Malo, Maclou, Machut, Maclow, Maloù, Mac'h Low, Maglovius, Machutus), Bishop of Aleth

Nov.15 14111510 9 Analyse

Vincent (ne Madelgar), Abbot

Jul.14 14071400 0 Analyse
Mafaldae Reginae

Portuguese princess and queen; nun (Cistercian order) in the Convent of Arouca

May.2 14050230 0 Analyse

Magloire (Maelor), Bishop of Dol

Oct.24 14102400 5 Analyse

Magnus, "Apostle" of Bavaria

Sep.6 14090610 51 Analyse

Malachy, Bishop at Armagh, Ireland

Nov.2 14110220 0 Analyse

Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne

May.11 14051100 0 Analyse

Marcellus, Martyr

Sep.4 14090420 11 Analyse
Marcelli Parisien.,8

In week after Marcellus of Paris

14110318 0 Analyse
Marcelli Parisiensis

Marcellus, Bishop of Paris

Nov.3 14110310 0 Analyse
Marcelli, Apuleii

Marcellus and Apulejus, Martyrs

Oct.7 14100710 0 Analyse
Marcelli, Pont.

Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr

Jan.16 14011600 9 Analyse
Marcellini, Petri

Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs

Jun.2 14060200 18 Analyse

Mark, Evangelist

Apr.25 14042500 94 Analyse
Marci, Marcellini

Mark and Marcellian, Martyrs

Jun.18 14061800 14 Analyse
Marci, Pont.

Mark, Pope

Oct.7 14100700 1 Analyse

In week after Mark, Evangelist

14042508 0 Analyse

Margaret (Marina), Virgin Martyr

Jul.20 14072010 163 Analyse
Margaritae Cortonensis

Margaret of Cortona, penitent (canonized in 1728)

Feb.22 14022210 4 Analyse
Margaritae Mariae Alacoque Virg.
Oct.17 11 Analyse
Margaritae Reginae Scotiae, Viduae
Jun.10 0 Analyse
Mariae ad Nives

Mary of the Snows

Aug.5 14080520 150 Analyse
Mariae Aegyptiacae

Mary the Egyptian, Penitent

Apr.2 14040200 45 Analyse
Mariae Mag.,8

In week after Mary Magdalene

14072208 0 Analyse
Mariae Magdalenae

Mary Magdalene

Jul.22 14072200 528 Analyse
Mariae Magdalenae de Pazzis Virg.
May.29 0 Analyse
Mariae Salome

Mary Salome

Oct.22 14102210 0 Analyse
Marii, Marthae

Marius, Martha, et al., Martyrs

Jan.19 14011900 11 Analyse

Marina, Virgin

Jul.17 14071720 39 Analyse

Martha, Virgin

Jul.29 14072930 157 Analyse
Martialis, Apost.

Martial, "Apostle" of Limoges

Jul.8 14070800 156 Analyse
Martialis, Epi.

Martial, Bishop of Limoges

Jun.30 14063010 63 Analyse
Martinae Virginis et Martyris
Jan.30 3 Analyse

Martin, Bishop of Tours

Nov.11 14111100 336 Analyse
Martini Archiepiscopi Bracharensis

Martin, Bishop of Braga

Mar.20 14032020 0 Analyse
Martini, Pont.

Martin I, Pope

Nov.12 14111250 1 Analyse

In week after Martin

14111108 12 Analyse
Martinus Dumiensis archiepiscopi bracharensis
Mar.20 6 Analyse
Martyrum sive Confessorum TP

Common of Martyrs or Confessors, Eastertide

12802300 9 Analyse

Maternus, Bishop of Cologne

Sep.19 14091910 47 Analyse
Maternitatis B. M. V.
Oct.11 5 Analyse

Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

Sep.21 14092100 44 Analyse

In week after Matthew

14092108 0 Analyse

Matthias, Apostle

Feb.24 14022400 54 Analyse

Maturin, Priest of Larchant (Sens)

Nov.9 14110930 0 Analyse

Maurus, Abbot

Jan.15 14011510 133 Analyse

In week after Maurus

14011518 2 Analyse

Maurilius, Bishop of Angers

Sep.13 14091300 4 Analyse
Mauritii et sociorum

Maurice and companions, Martyrs

Sep.22 14092200 185 Analyse

Maxellendis, Virgin Martyr

Nov.13 14111320 32 Analyse

Maximilian, Bishop of Lorch

Oct.12 14101220 0 Analyse

Maximinus, Bishop of Trier

May.29 14052900 1 Analyse

Medard, Bishop of Vermandois

Jun.8 14060800 58 Analyse

Medericus (Merry), Abbot

Aug.29 14082920 0 Analyse

Meinrad, Hermit of Einsiedeln

Jan.21 14012110 46 Analyse
Melchiadis Papae et Martyris
Dec.10 0 Analyse

Melorus (Melar, Mylor), Martyr

Oct.1 14100120 0 Analyse

Mennas, Martyr

Nov.11 14111110 2 Analyse
19 Analyse

Michael the Archangel (Michaelmas)

Sep.29 14092900 394 Analyse

Milburga, Abbess of Wenlock

Feb.23 14022300 0 Analyse

Mildred, Abbess of Minster-in-Thanet

Jul.13 14071310 0 Analyse

Minias, Martyr

Oct.25 14102510 43 Analyse
Mirac. Genovefae

Commemoration of Genevieve's Miracle

Nov.26 14112610 2 Analyse
Miraculi sanctae crucis

The miracle of the Holy Cross (celebrated at Wilton Abbey)

?? 17008000 0 Analyse
Missa ad postulandum gratiam bene moriendi
1 Analyse
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. A Nativ. Domini usque ad Purificationem
1 Analyse
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. A Pascha usque ad Pentecosten
0 Analyse
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. Ab Adventu usque ad Nativitatem Domini
0 Analyse
Missa in dominicis diebus

Mass on Sundays

16012700 0 Analyse
Missa in gratiarum actione pro expulsa tribulatione vel egritudine et reddit prosperitate atque salute

Thanksgiving mass for the grace of the expelling of distress or disease and the recovering of prosperity and health

15009080 0 Analyse
Missa pro Ecclesiae defensione
4 Analyse
Missa pro Fidei Propagatione
11 Analyse
Missa pro peregrinantibus
2 Analyse
Missa pro solo Episcopo dicenda

Mass said by the Bishop alone

15009070 0 Analyse
Missa pro unitate Ecclesiae
4 Analyse
Missa pro vitanda mortalitate
5 Analyse
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat

Mass which the priest must say for himself

15009050 0 Analyse
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat digeritur hoc modo

Mass which the priest must say for himself in this way

15009040 0 Analyse
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se in tribulatione dicere debeat

Mass which the priest in distress must say for himself

15009060 0 Analyse
Missa votiva de omnibus Apostolis

Votive Mass for all the Apostles

15009021 1 Analyse
Missa votiva de rege

Votive Mass for a king

15009020 0 Analyse
Missa votiva omnimoda

Votive Mass

15009010 0 Analyse
Missa votiva pluralis

Votive Mass on behalf of several people

15009012 0 Analyse
Missa Votiva pro eligendo Summo Pontifice
7 Analyse
Missa votiva quam dicit Episcopus quando presbyterum ordinat

Votive Mass said by the Bishop when a presbyter is ordained

15009030 0 Analyse
Missa votiva singularis

Votive Mass on behalf of one person

15009011 0 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria II. Missa de Sanctissima Trinitate
4 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria IV. Missa de S. Joseph
3 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria V. Missa de D. N. Jesu Christo summo et aeterno Sacerdote
10 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria V. Missa de Ss. Euchar. Sacramento
3 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Passione D. N. J. C.
2 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Passione Domini
12 Analyse
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Sacratissimo Corde Jesu
5 Analyse

Modestus, Martyr

Feb.12 14021210 37 Analyse

Monica, Mother of Augustine

May.4 14050440 65 Analyse
Monicae Viduae
May.4 0 Analyse
Multorum in tribulatione

Chants for many in tribulation

16026020 0 Analyse
Mustiolae, Irenaei

Mustiola and Irenaeus, Martyrs

Jul.3 14070310 1 Analyse
Narboris et Felicis Mart.
Jul.12 0 Analyse

Narcissus, Bishop of Gerona, Spain, and Apostle of Augsburg (Bavaria)

Oct.29 14102900 0 Analyse
Nat. Innocentium

Holy Innocents

Dec.28 02122800 385 Analyse
Nat. Innocentium,8

In week after Holy Innocents

02122808 0 Analyse
Nativitas Domini

Christmas Day

Dec.25 02122500 848 Analyse
Nativitas Domini,8

In week after Christmas

02122508 31 Analyse
Nativitas Mariae

Birthday of Mary

Sep.8 14090800 383 Analyse
Nativitas Mariae,8

In week after Birthday of Mary

14090808 26 Analyse
8 Analyse
Nazarii, Celsi

Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs

Jul.28 14072800 32 Analyse
Nerei, Achillei

Nereus and Achilleus, Roman Martyrs

May.12 14051240 5 Analyse

Nicasius, Bishop Martyr of Reims

Dec.14 14121400 37 Analyse
Nicasii et sociorum

Nicasius of Rouen, alleged Bishop of Rouen

Oct.11 14101130 0 Analyse

Nicholas of Bari, Bishop of Myra

Dec.6 14120600 151 Analyse
Nicolai a Tolentino Confessoris
Sep.10 0 Analyse
Nicolai de Flue. Die 25 Septembris
10 Analyse
Nicolai Pici et sociorum

Nicholas Pieck (Nicolaus Picus) and 18 companions, Martyrs

Jul.9 14070920 3 Analyse

In week after Nicholas

14120608 0 Analyse

Nicomedes, Martyr

Sep.15 14091530 3 Analyse
Nicomedis, Valeriani

Nicomedes and Valerianus, Martyrs

Sep.15 14091540 0 Analyse
Nominis BMV

The Holy Name of Mary, celebrated on the Sunday after the Nativity of Mary

14090811 0 Analyse
Nominis Jesu

The Holy Name of Jesus

Jan.14 14011430 12 Analyse
Norberti Episcopi, Confessoris
Jun.6 0 Analyse
Oct. Adalberti

Octave of Adalbert

Apr.30 14043020 1 Analyse
Oct. Apost, Die 3

The third day after the Octave of Peter and Paul

Jul.8 14070820 0 Analyse
Oct. Apostolorum,8

In week after Octave of Peter and Paul

14070608 0 Analyse
Oct. Ascens. Domini

Octave of Ascension

08075000 0 Analyse
Oct. Corporis Christi

Octave of Corpus Christi

09025000 9 Analyse
Oct. Dedicatione Ecclesiae

Octave of Dedication of Church

12008100 0 Analyse
Oct. Joannis Evang.

Octave of John the Evangelist

Jan.3 02010300 3 Analyse
Oct. Joannis, Pauli

Octave of John and Paul

Jul.3 14070320 0 Analyse
Oct. Justinae, Cypr.

Octave of Justina and Cyprian

Oct.3 14100300 0 Analyse
Oct. Marcel. Paris.

Octave of Marcellus, Bishop of Paris

Nov.10 14111000 0 Analyse
Oct. Nat. Innocent.

Octave of Holy Innocents

Jan.4 02010400 0 Analyse
Oct. Om. Sanctorum

Octave of All Saints' Day

Nov.8 14110810 0 Analyse
Oct. Petri, Pauli
0 Analyse
Oct. Philippi,Jacobi

Octave of Philip and James, Apostles

May.8 14050830 0 Analyse
Oct. Wenceslai

Octave of Wenceslas

Oct.5 14100520 0 Analyse
Oct.Visitatio Mariae

Octave of Visitation of Mary

Jul.9 14070900 0 Analyse
Octava Afrae

Octave of Afra

Aug.12 14081220 1 Analyse
