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Feast: Die 4 p. Epiphaniam

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Source: A-VOR 287

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Total chants: 8
Distinct chants: 8
Antiphons: 4
Responsories: 3
Average number of concordances: 5
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
A-VOR 287021rMAOmnis terra*0041553 | A-Wda C-11 | F-VAL 114 | I-MC 542
A-VOR 287022rMR1Pastores prae claritate0073570
A-VOR 287022rMV01Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum007357a0
A-VOR 287022rMR2Tria sunt munera*0077775 | A-KN 1010 | A-KN 1011 | A-KN 1013 | A-KN 1015 | A-KN 1017
A-VOR 287022rMR3Videntes stellam*0078647 | A-KN 1010 | A-KN 1011 | A-KN 1013 | A-KN 1015 | A-KN 1017 | A-Wda C-11 | GB-AB 20541 E
A-VOR 287022rLAApertis thesauris*0014475 | A-KN 1010 | A-KN 1011 | A-KN 1013 | A-KN 1015 | A-KR VI/258
A-VOR 287022rLABVidentes stellam magi gavisi0053917 | A-KN 1010 | A-KN 1011 | A-KN 1013 | A-KN 1015 | A-KN 1017 | A-KR VI/258 | A-Wda C-11
A-VOR 287022rV2AMCaeli aperti sunt super eum0018359 | A-KN 1010 | A-KN 1011 | A-KN 1013 | A-KN 1015 | A-KN 1017 | A-Wda D-4 | D-W 29 Helmst. | GB-WO F.160 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs)