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Feast: Comm. unius Virginis

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Source: US-PHf Lewis E 226

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Total chants: 8
Distinct chants: 8
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 7
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
US-PHf Lewis E 226131vMIInLoquebar de testimoniis tuis in conspectug003636 | CH-Ff Ms. 9 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | E-SAu Ms 2637 | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | F-Pnm 1112 | US-PRu Princeton MS. 245
US-PHf Lewis E 226132rMIInVBeati immaculati in via qui ambulantg00363a5 | CH-Ff Ms. 9 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 | US-PRu Princeton MS. 245
US-PHf Lewis E 226132vMIGrSpecie tua et pulchritudine tua intendeg013816 | CH-P 18 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | F-Pn : NAL 01890 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 | US-PRu Princeton MS. 245
US-PHf Lewis E 226133rMIGrVPropter veritatem et mansuetudinem et justitiamg01381c5 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | F-Pn : NAL 01890 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 | US-PRu Princeton MS. 245
US-PHf Lewis E 226133vMIAlAlleluia Diffusa est gratia in labiisg0002317 | » Display
US-PHf Lewis E 226134vMIAlAlleluia O quam pulchra est castag013772 | CH-Ff Ms. 9 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b
US-PHf Lewis E 226135rMIOfOfferentur regi virgines proximae ejus afferenturg013715 | CH-ROM : Ms. liturg. FiD 5 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | F-Pn : NAL 01890 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415
US-PHf Lewis E 226135vMICmDiffusa est gratia in labiis tuisg0030210 | CH-Ff Ms. 9 | CH-ROM : Ms. liturg. FiD 5 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | D-KWsr : Drachenfels-Missale | E-SAu Ms 2637 | F-Pn : Ms Lat 00904 | F-Pn : NAL 01890 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 | P-AR Res. Ms. 016 | US-PRu Princeton MS. 245