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Feast: Nicasii

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Source: F-VAL 114

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Total chants: 52
Distinct chants: 49
Antiphons: 21
Responsories: 13
Average number of concordances: 2
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
F-VAL 114103vVRMagnus sacerdos*6013592 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114103vVAMGloriosus victor Nicasius2020143 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4
F-VAL 114104rVRPSanctus martyr*6021612 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rLRPBonus pastor*6003072 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMIJubilemus deo beatorum1001612 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMHAeterna Christi*0082520
F-VAL 114104rMA1.1In sectatione barbarica dum2024772 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMA1.2Praeceptum domini praedicans2039121 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMA1.3Obsidione circumdatus2036232 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMA1.4In sanctae spei singularitate2024732 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMA1.5Hic justus benedictione2021712 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMA1.6Mirabile est et laudabile2031142 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104rMW1.Justorum animae in manu dei*0081143 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4
F-VAL 114104rMR1.1Cum divino judicio sinerentur6004552 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMV01Edoctus a domino non timere600455a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMR1.2Sanctus martyr Nicasius velut6021612 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMV01Non enim condignas602161a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMR1.3Nicasius pontifex spe gaudens6014882 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMV01Quos in fide roborabat verbis601488a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMR1.4Concede nobis*6003900
F-VAL 114104vMA2.1Nicasius Christi miles2032422 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMA2.2Sicut tuba caelestis ira2046672 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMA2.3Si verbum veritatis2046352 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114104vMA2.4Istorum est*0034510
F-VAL 114104vMA2.5Sanguis sanctorum*0048091 | F-AS 893
F-VAL 114104vMA2.6Vindica domine*0054270
F-VAL 114104vMW2.Exsultent justi*0080702 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMR2.1Agonista invictus Nicasius6000672 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMV01Confortatus in domino et in600067a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMR2.2Beatissimus vir dei Nicasius6002252 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMV01Expansis in caelum manibus600225a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMR2.3In ovile dominicum lupis6011482 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMV01Surgens ab oratione simul cum601148a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMR2.4Magnus sacerdos Nicasius in6013592 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMV01Pro salute plebis sibi601359a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMA3.Justi fulgebunt*0029080
F-VAL 114105rMW3.Justi autem*0081121 | F-AS 893
F-VAL 114105rMR3.1Bonus pastor Nicasius simul6003072 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105rMV01Cui vivere Christus fuit et600307a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105vMR3.2In circuitu*0068910
F-VAL 114105vMR3.3O veneranda*0073000
F-VAL 114105vMR3.4O constantia martyrum0072623 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4
F-VAL 114105vMV01Nobis ergo petimus piis007262a2 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105vLA1Beatus pontifex Nicasius per2005783 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4
F-VAL 114105vLA2Inter tela furentium corpore2026001 | F-AS 893
F-VAL 114105vLA3Cum sanctae ejus cervici2010442 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105vLA4Mox a sacro ejus corpore2031702 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105vLA5Accepta igitur quam tanto2000662 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114105vLRJustorum animae*0070551 | F-AS 893
F-VAL 114105vLHRex gloriose martyrum*0083861 | F-AS 893
F-VAL 114105vLABHic est almus praesul2021482 | F-AS 893 | F-CA 38
F-VAL 114106rV2AMSanctus vir Nicasius martyr0048070