Full text: Exsurge domine judica causam meam memor esto improperiorum meorum eorum quae ab insipiente sunt tota dieGenre: WCAO concordances: CG EMV D Log in to post comments Comments Wed, 22/09/2021 - 7:18am Rastislav Luz Chant is similar to 800566, not 008071. Cantus ID should be 800566.1. Correct fulltext: Exsurge domine judica causam meam R. Memor esto improperiorum meorum eorum quae ab insipiente sunt tota die Log in to post comments
Wed, 22/09/2021 - 7:18am Rastislav Luz Chant is similar to 800566, not 008071. Cantus ID should be 800566.1. Correct fulltext: Exsurge domine judica causam meam R. Memor esto improperiorum meorum eorum quae ab insipiente sunt tota die Log in to post comments
Chant is similar to 800566, not 008071. Cantus ID should be 800566.1. Correct fulltext: Exsurge domine judica causam meam R. Memor esto improperiorum meorum eorum quae ab insipiente sunt tota die