
Full text: 
Afferentur regi virgines post eam proximae ejus afferentur tibi adducentur in laetitia et exsultatione adducentur in templum regis afferentur regi virgines
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Tue, 13/02/2024 - 7:03pm Franco Ackermans

This g00083.2 is not a variant of g00083! It is the Offerentur major = g001371

Fri, 08/03/2024 - 9:28pm Anna de Bakker

Note the presence of "post eam" , the placement of "in laetitia", and the omission of "domino". This is not the Offerentur major but rather g00083 with the offertory verse g00083b immediately following.

Concordances in the Cantus Index network


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Cantus ID Genre Full textsort descending
g00083.Tp1 Tp Lucis auctoris celsas laudes pangamus corde simul ore proclamantes qui virginali laude decores facit cunctos vota praestans praeclaros rite laetentur
g00083.Tp2 Tp Virginales resonemus jugiter laudes blande quo valeamus a labe et faece exire immunes et praesentare regi