Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: De Regum
» Analyse this feastSource: NL-ZUa 6
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 40
Distinct chants: 40
Antiphons: 17
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 13
Distinct chants: 40
Antiphons: 17
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 13
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | L | A | 1 | Indutus est dominus | 003327 | 1 | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 052r | L | A | 5 | Sanctus sanctus sanctus | 004796 | 2 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | A-KN CCl. 831 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | L | A | 4 | Benedictio et claritas et | 001710 | 2 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | A-KN CCl. 831 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | V | A | 12M | Rex autem David operto capite | 004650 | 25 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | M | I | 0 | Adoremus dominum qui fecit | 001009 | 1 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | M | A | 1 | Servite* | 004875 | 1 | F-Pn : Lat. 9425 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | M | W | 0 | Memor fuit nocte nominis tui | 008138 | 6 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | I-AO 6 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | M | R | 1 | Deus omnium exauditor est | 006430 | 15 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050r | M | V | 01 | Dominus qui eripuit me de ore | 006430a | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050r | M | R | 2 | Dominus qui eripuit me de ore | 006524 | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050r | M | V | 01 | Ipse misit angelum suum et | 006524b | 1 | E-Tc 44.2 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050v | M | R | 5 | Exaudisti domine orationem | 006688 | 16 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050v | M | V | 01 | Domine qui custodis pactum et | 006688a | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050v | M | R | 6 | Domine si conversus fuerit | 006514 | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | V | 01 | Respice domine de sanctuario | 006139a | 16 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | M | R | 9 | Praeparate corda vestra | 007425 | 13 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049r | V | A | 10M | Mons Gelboe nec ros nec | 003807 | 8 | F-Pn : Lat. 9425 | P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 013 (olim Caixa 250, nº 24) | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 032 | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal RES. 253 P. | E-Tc 44.2 | I-Ac 693 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050r | M | R | 3 | Ego te tuli de domo patris | 006636 | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050r | M | V | 01 | Fecique tibi nomen grande | 006636a | 15 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050v | M | R | 4 | Montes Gelboe nec ros nec | 007176 | 16 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 050v | M | V | 01 | Omnes montes qui estis in | 007176a | 15 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | V | 01 | Si peccaverit in te populus | 006514a | 16 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | R | 3.1 | Summae trinitati* | 007718 | 0 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | R | 3.2 | Benedicamus patrem* | 006239 | 1 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | R | 3.3 | Te deum patrem* | 007755 | 0 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | R | 7 | Audi domine hymnum et | 006139 | 16 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051r | M | R | 8 | Peccavi super numerum harenae | 007372 | 19 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | M | V | 01 | Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego | 007372a | 15 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | M | V | 01 | Auferte deos alienos de medio | 007425a | 12 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 051v | L | A | 2 | Gloria et honor et benedictio | 002944 | 2 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | A-KN CCl. 831 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 2M | Cognoverunt omnes a Dan usque | 001849 | 24 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 5M | Iratus rex Saul dixit mihi | 003411 | 17 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 6M | Quis enim in omnibus sicut | 004546 | 18 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 4M | Nonne iste est David de | 003948 | 24 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049r | V | A | 8M | Obsecro domine aufer | 004099 | 19 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 7M | Dixitque David ad dominum cum | 002313 | 7 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | I-AO 6 | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense | SK-BRsa Breviarium Bibliotheca Capituli Posoniensis Manus. 81 | A-KN CCl. 831 | A-KN CCl. 63 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049v | V | A | 13M | Unxerunt Salomonem Sadoc | 005280 | 22 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 048v | V | A | 3M | Praevaluit David in | 004368 | 24 | » Display |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049r | V | A | 9M | Saul et Jonathas amabiles et | 004820 | 10 | P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 013 (olim Caixa 250, nº 24) | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 032 | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal RES. 253 P. | E-Tc 44.2 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Antiphonale Scepusiense | SK-BRsa Breviarium Bibliotheca Capituli Posoniensis Manus. 81 | SK-KRE (Kremnica) Antiphonarium 1664–1666 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 | A-KN CCl. 831 |
NL-ZUa 6 | 049r | V | A | 11M | Doleo super te frater mi | 002321 | 26 | » Display |