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Feast: Sabbato Q.T. Sept.

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Source: SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum

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Total chants: 19
Distinct chants: 19
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 10
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum110rMASSInVenite adoremus deum et procidamus ante g0122724 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum110vMASSGr1Propitius esto domine peccatis nostris nequando g0070725 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum110vMASSGrV01Adjuva nos deus salutaris noster et g00707a5 | CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396 | F-Pn : Lat. 775 | F-Pn : Lat. 1087 | F-Pn : Lat. 12584 | GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum111rMASSGr2Protector noster aspice deus et respice g0070924 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum111rMASSGrV01Domine deus virtutum exaudi preces servorum g00709a5 | F-Pn : Lat. 775 | F-Pn : Lat. 1087 | F-Pn : Lat. 12584 | GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857 | E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 18
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum111vMASSGr3Dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in g0071316 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum111vMASSGrV01Elevatio manuum mearum sacrificium vespertinumg00713a2 | CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396 | F-Pn : Lat. 1087
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum112rMASSGr4Salvum fac populum tuum domine et g007373 | PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława | F-Pn : Lat. 12584 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum112rMASSGrV01Ad te domine clamavi deus meus g00737a1 | F-Pn : Lat. 12584
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum112rMASSHBenedictus es domine deus patrum nostrorum | g0052310 | PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza | PL-Wn 12722 V Graduał opata tynieckiego Mścisława | PL-Kl RL 1 Graduał wiślicki | CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 396 | CZ-Pn (Praha) XIII B 2 | CZ-Bm (Brno) A 7115 | CZ-Pu (Praha) XIII A 5c | CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 | F-Pn : Lat. 1087 | D-B : Ms mus 40078
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum113rMASSTcLaudate dominum omnes gentes et collaudate g0071516 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum113rMASSTcV01Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia g00715a0
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum113vMASSOfDomine deus salutis meae in die g0071722 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum114rMASSOfV01Inclina aurem tuam ad precem meam g00717a0
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum114rMASSOfV02Et ego ad te domine clamavi g00717b0
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum114rMASSOfV03Factus sum sicut homo sine adjutorio g00717c0
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum114rMASSCmMense septimo festa celebrabitis cum in g0122824 | » Display
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum114vMASSCmV01Attendite popule meus legem*g01228b0
SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum110vMASSInV01Venite exsultemus domino*g01227e8 | PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense | PL-WRu I F 414 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) | PL-WRu I F 411 Cistercian Gradual (Silesia) | F-Pn : Lat. 780 | GB-Lbl : Egerton 0857 | D-B : Ms mus 40078 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | SK-Lap (Levoča) Graduale sine sign.