g01987 the verse Noli aemulari
Noli aemulari in malignantibus neque zelaveris facientes iniquitatem
belongs to
g01325 In Salus autem as g01325a (Marci, Marcellini) Mode 1
g01349 In Os justi as g01349a (Felicis) Mode 6
g02327 In Justus non as g02327a (Hermetis) Mode 1
74 entries…pff Guter Rat ist teuer / Bonum consilia pretiosa est
In the table named ‘chants with similar words’ it is possible to track down these Introits, but is this the best way?
g01987 the verse Noli aemulari
Noli aemulari in malignantibus neque zelaveris facientes iniquitatem
belongs to
g01325 In Salus autem as g01325a (Marci, Marcellini) Mode 1
g01349 In Os justi as g01349a (Felicis) Mode 6
g02327 In Justus non as g02327a (Hermetis) Mode 1
74 entries…pff Guter Rat ist teuer / Bonum consilia pretiosa est
In the table named ‘chants with similar words’ it is possible to track down these Introits, but is this the best way?