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ERAT Johannes baptista LUCERNA ARDENSque prefulgens et rectum sermonem semper pandens hac aula placida robusta precelsa ferente DOMINo nullus maior in hac vulva IoHANNES BAPTISTA carismata repletus caelestia manens ipse in saecla desudando in toto spatio mundi preornat hanc divam semitam de superna famina archana hanc suam hanc fertam secum duxit in aethereo regno in quo nos tecum ferre studeto ut simul vultu laeto iocundemur in alvo illo lucido structum a Deo
Troped chant ID:
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F-Pn : Ms Lat 00903
Corpus troporum 2, p. 52. Number 24.2. Some words in the trope retain the melody from the verse
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