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Feast: In tempore Nat.

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Source: GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202

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Total chants: 10
Distinct chants: 9
Antiphons: 9
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 3
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202026vVAHodie intacta*0031044 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | I-PCsa 65
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202026vEA1Virgo dei genetrix quem totus0054484 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | D-KNd 215 | E-Tc 44.2
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202026vEA2Beatus venter qui te portavit0016683 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | E-Tc 44.2
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA3Lux orta est super nos quia0036523 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | I-PCsa 65
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA4Hodie intacta virgo deum0031044 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | I-PCsa 65
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA5Continet in gremio caelum0019051 | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17)
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA6Pastores loquebantur ad0042252 | E-Tc 44.2 | P-AR Res. Ms. 021
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA7Pastores dicite quidnam0042248 | A-KR VI/258 | B-TO olv 63 | B-TO olv 64 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 | D-Sl HB.I.55 | E-Tc 44.2 | F-CA Impr. XVI C 4 | I-PCsa 65
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA8Sancta et immaculata0047000
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202027rEA9O regem caeli cui talia0040774 | A-Wn 1890 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 | D-TRs F-5rkm (fragment) | SI-Lna 18 (olim 17)