
Full text: 
Audit tyrannus anxius adesse regum principem qui nomen Israel regat teneatque David regiam | Exclamat amens nuntio successor instat pellimur satelles i ferrum rape perfunde cunas sanguine | Quid proficit tantum nefas quid crimen Herodem juvat unus tot inter funera impune Christus tollitur | Gloria tibi Domine qui natus es de virgine cum patre et sancto spiritu in sempiterna saecula
Usual feast: 

Originally part of the hymn "Salvete flores", these verses at some point became a separate hymn for Holy Innocents; cf. 008389b | The 1632 Urban VIII hymn revision is nearly identical to this version and so shares this Cantus ID. Note the following differences: "Jesu tibi sit gloria" (Urban VIII) instead of "Gloria tibi Domine" in the final stanza

Concordances in the Cantus Index network