Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Dom. in Palmis
» Analyse this feastSource: GB-Cu Mm.ii.9
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 48
Distinct chants: 42
Antiphons: 15
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 66
Distinct chants: 42
Antiphons: 15
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 66
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | R | 2.2 | Noli esse mihi domine alienus | 007219 | 102 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 204 | M | R | 3.1 | Attende domine ad me et audi | 006137 | 104 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | T | R | Fratres mei* | 006747 | 111 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | N | V | 01 | Intende animae meae et libera | 007566a | 93 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | T | V | 01 | Amici* | 006747b | 23 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | A | 1. | Quid molesti* | 004527 | 39 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | R | 1.1 | In die qua invocavi te domine | 006899 | 107 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | R | 1.2 | Fratres mei elongaverunt a me | 006747 | 111 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | V | 01 | Amici mei et proximi mei | 006747b | 23 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | R | 1.3 | Dominus Jesus ante sex dies | 600630 | 7 | F-Pn : NAL 01669 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 662 | PL-Wn 12720 V Antyfonarz opata Mścisława z Tyńca, pars de tempore |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | V | 01 | Convenerunt autem ibi multi | 600630a | 7 | F-Pn : NAL 01669 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 662 | PL-Wn 12720 V Antyfonarz opata Mścisława z Tyńca, pars de tempore |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | A | 2. | Mittens haec* | 003799 | 46 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | V | 01 | Et dederunt in escam meam fel | 006973a | 29 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 203 | M | V | 01 | Confundantur omnes inimici | 007219a | 96 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 203 | M | V | 01 | Testimonium ergo perhibebat | 600374a | 5 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-Pa : Ms 0135 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 205 | M | R | 3.3 | Cum audisset turba quia | 600442 | 7 | F-Pn : NAL 01669 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-PR : Ms 0012 | F-SO 596 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 205 | M | R | P | Ingrediente domino in sanctam | 006961 | 147 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 205 | M | V | 01 | Cumque audissent quia venit | 006961a | 113 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | L | A | 4 | Confundantur qui me | 001884 | 98 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | L | A | 5 | Cum angelis et pueris fideles | 001974 | 111 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | T | A | Pueri Hebraeorum vestimenta | 004416 | 164 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 208 | N | W | Ne perdas cum* | 008146 | 37 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 208 | V2 | R | Cogitaverunt* | 600374 | 5 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-Pa : Ms 0135 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 203 | M | A | 3. | Magister dicit tempus meum | 003657 | 10 | F-Pn : Lat. 17296 | F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud | GB-AB 20541 E | CH-SGs 390 | CH-SGs 388 | I-Rv C.5 | D-B Mus. 40047 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 705 | E-Gs (Girona) ms. 45 | E-PAMan (Pamplona) partitura n. 60 olim 4/4 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | L | A | 2 | Circumdantes circumdederunt | 001809 | 99 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 203 | M | W | 3. | Ne perdas cum impiis deus | 008146 | 37 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | T | W | Erue a framea deus* | 008058 | 30 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | S | R | Attende domine* | 006137 | 104 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | N | R | Salvum me fac deus quoniam | 007566 | 97 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | S | A | Pueri Hebraeorum tollentes | 004415 | 139 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | V | 01 | In die tribulationis meae | 006899b | 60 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 202 | M | R | 2.1 | Insurrexerunt in me viri | 006973 | 38 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 204 | M | V | 01 | Factus sum in derisum omni | 006306a | 47 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | V | R | Circumdederunt me* | 006287 | 85 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | M | I | Ipsi vero non cognoverunt | 001092 | 106 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 203 | M | R | 2.3 | Cogitaverunt autem principes | 600374 | 5 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-Pa : Ms 0135 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 204 | M | V | 01 | Recordare quod steterim in | 006137b | 49 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 204 | M | R | 3.2 | Conclusit vias meas inimicus | 006306 | 57 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 205 | M | V | 01 | Et cum appropinquasset ad | 600442a | 7 | F-Pn : NAL 01669 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-PR : Ms 0012 | F-SO 596 | GB-AB 20541 E | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | L | A | 3 | Judica causam meam defende | 003515 | 97 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | P | A | Hosanna filio David | 003142 | 83 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | S | V | 01 | Recordare* | 006137b | 49 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | S | W | De ore leonis* | 008005 | 28 | » Display | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 201 | V | A | M | Clarifica me pater apud | 001826 | 26 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 205 | L | A | 1 | Domine deus auxiliator meus | 201335 | 0 |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 206 | L | A | B | Turba multa quae convenerat | 005256 | 125 | » Display |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 207 | N | A | Omnes collaudant nomen tuum | 004117 | 8 | F-Col_part : Mont-Renaud | A-Gu 29 | GB-AB 20541 E | D-B Mus. 40047 | CH-E 611 | F-SO 596 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | |
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | 208 | V2 | A | M | Occurrunt turbae cum floribus | 004107 | 117 | » Display |