Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Dom. 4 Adventus
» Analyse this feastSource: F-Pn Lat. 15181
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 33
Distinct chants: 33
Antiphons: 8
Responsories: 10
Average number of concordances: 59
Distinct chants: 33
Antiphons: 8
Responsories: 10
Average number of concordances: 59
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136r | M | R | 4 | Me oportet minui illum autem | 007137 | 102 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136r | M | R | 5 | Ecce jam venit plenitudo temporis | 006596 | 90 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137r | M | R | 7 | Juravi dicit dominus ut ultra | 007045 | 105 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | W | 1. | Ex Sion* | 008060 | 18 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | H | Verbum* | 008409 | 11 | » Display | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | M | W | Emitte agnum* | 008051 | 6 | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | PL-Kkar 2 (Rkp 14) | F-Pn NAL 1411 | D-MZb A | PL-Kkar 5 (Rkp 13) | CDN-Hsmu M2149.L4 | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | H | Vox clara* | 008413 | 16 | » Display | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | W | Vox clamantis* | 008246 | 22 | » Display | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136v | M | R | 6 | Virgo Israel revertere in civitates | 007903 | 102 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | A | 5 | Omnipotens sermo tuus domine a | 004144 | 96 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | M | R | 9 | Intuemini quantus sit iste qui | 006983 | 95 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | A | 1.1 | Ecce in nubibus* | 002516 | 4 | CH-E 611 | D-B Mus. 40047 | A-Gu 29 | GOTTSCHALK |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | R | 1 | Canite tuba in Sion vocate | 006265 | 103 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | V | 01 | Annuntiate in finibus terrae et | 006265b | 52 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135v | M | V | 01 | Super quem continebunt reges os | 007508b | 7 | F-Pn NAL 1535 | E-Tc 44.1 | F-VAL 114 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 888 |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136r | M | V | 01 | Pulchriores sunt oculi ejus vino | 007224a | 106 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136v | M | V | 01 | Propter nimiam caritatem qua dilexit | 006596b | 51 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137r | M | V | 01 | A solis ortu et occasu | 007045a | 27 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135r | M | I | Ecce venit plenitudo temporis in | 001073 | 19 | » Display | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136v | M | V | 01 | A solis ortu et occasu | 007903a | 40 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | X | R | P | Ecce dies* | 006583 | 2 | NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 888 |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | A | B | Ave Maria gratia plena dominus | 001539 | 72 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135v | M | R | 2 | Radix Jesse qui exsurget judicare | 007508 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 135v | M | R | 3 | Non auferetur sceptrum de Juda | 007224 | 106 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 136r | M | V | 01 | Hoc est testimonium quod perhibuit | 007137a | 55 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | M | V | 01 | Domine deus virtutum converte nos | 007227a | 61 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | M | V | 01 | Et dominabitur a mari usque | 006983a | 37 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | A | 4 | Dominus veniet occurrite illi dicentes | 002423 | 104 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | L | A | 3 | Erunt prava in directa et | 002676 | 106 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 138r | V2 | A | Orietur sicut sol salvator mundi | 004195 | 1 | F-TOm 149 | |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | L | A | 1 | Canite tuba in Sion quia | 001757 | 107 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137v | L | A | 2 | Ecce veniet desideratus cunctis gentibus | 002548 | 106 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 15181 | 137r | M | R | 8 | Non discedimus a te vivificabis | 007227 | 100 | » Display |