Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Octava Paschae
» Analyse this feastSource: NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7)
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 37
Distinct chants: 33
Antiphons: 13
Responsories: 6
Average number of concordances: 25
Distinct chants: 33
Antiphons: 13
Responsories: 6
Average number of concordances: 25
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 100v | V | A | Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia | 001333 | 23 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | V | A | M | Cum esset sero die illo | 002002 | 67 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | C | H | O vere digna hostia per | 008249:05 | 3 | DK-Kk 3449 8o [06] VI | NL-ZUa 6 | D-AAm G 20 | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | W | Quem quaeris mulier R. Viventem | 008176 | 12 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | R | 3 | Cum transisset* | 006565 | 45 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 100v | V | H | Ad cenam agni providi et | 008249 | 46 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | C | A | N | Alleluia* | 001352 | 18 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | V | W | Mane nobiscum domine R. Quoniam | 800263 | 28 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | I | Alleluia alleluia | 001023 | 32 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | A | 2 | Postulavi* | 004342 | 9 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 | I-MZ 15/79 | D-AAm G 20 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30849 | GB-Ob MS. Laud Misc. 284 | TR-Itks 42 | F-Pn : NAL 01236 |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | A | 1 | Ego sum* | 002599 | 14 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | T | A | Et ecce* | 002699 | 13 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | V | 01 | Ecce praecedet* | 006095a | 4 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | CH-SGs 391 | CH-SGs 388 | F-Pn : NAL 01236 |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | V | 01 | Angelus domini* | 006093a | 3 | CH-SGs 388 | CH-SGs 391 | I-MZ 15/79 |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | L | A | B | Et valde mane | 002728 | 10 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | E-Bbc (Barcelona) Ms. 619 | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | A-Wda C-10 | PL-WRu R 503 | CH-E 611 | I-AO 6 | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | CZ-Pn (Praha) XV A 10 |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | L | A | 1 | Angelus autem | 001408 | 24 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | V | 01 | Et valde mane* | 006565a | 10 | E-SA 6 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | I-MZ 15/79 | CH-SGs 388 | CH-SGs 391 | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11 | F-Pn : Lat. 904 | F-Pn : NAL 01236 |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | R | 1 | Angelus domini* | 006093 | 34 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | T | W | In resurrectione tua Christe caelum | 008100 | 41 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | T | V | 01 | Sicut dixit vobis* | 007540a | 16 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | N | W | Gavisi sunt discipuli R. Viso | 008080 | 49 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | N | A | Respondens* | 004630 | 7 | NL-ZUa 6 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30849 | PL-Kkar 3 (Rkp 15) | D-MZb B | CZ-Pn (Praha) XV A 10 | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | S | A | Erat autem* | 002647 | 13 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | S | V | 01 | Et apparuit Simoni* | 007740a | 23 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | N | R | Surrexit dominus de sepulcro alleluia | 007738 | 30 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | N | V | 01 | Qui pro nobis pependit in | 007738a | 26 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | S | W | Cognoverunt discipuli dominum In fractione | 007988 | 8 | F-TOm 149 | F-CA 38 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | MA Impr. 1537 | B-Gu Hs BKT.006 | F-Pn Lat. 1090 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | V2 | A | Alleluia* | 001328 | 44 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | V2 | H | Ad cenam agni* | 008249 | 46 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | R | 2 | Angelus domini* | 006095 | 33 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | L | A | 2 | Et ecce terraemotus | 002699 | 13 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | S | R | Surrexit dominus vere alleluia alleluia | 007740 | 29 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | T | R | Resurrexit dominus alleluia alleluia | 007540 | 18 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | V2 | W | Mane nobiscum domine R. Quoniam | 800263 | 28 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | P | A | Angelus autem* | 001408 | 24 | » Display | |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101v | V2 | A | M | Post dies octo januis clausis | 004326 | 70 | » Display |
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) | 101r | M | A | 3 | Ego dormivi* | 002572 | 8 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb | I-MZ 15/79 | D-AAm G 20 | GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30849 | TR-Itks 42 | GB-Ob MS. Laud Misc. 284 | F-Pn : NAL 01236 |