Cantus Analysis Tool

Feast: Comm. unius Confessoris non Pontificis

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Source: CH-P 18

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Total chants: 5
Distinct chants: 5
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 9
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
CH-P 18346MIIn0Os justi*g0134916 | » Display
CH-P 18346MIAl0Alleluia Amavit*g013455 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | NL-Uu : Hs. 0062 | PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 243 | P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011
CH-P 18346MICm0Beatus servus*g013547 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | NL-Uu : Hs. 0062 | PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza | PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034 | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 243 | P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011
CH-P 18346MIOf0Desiderium*g013638 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | NL-Uu : Hs. 0415 | NL-Uu : Hs. 0062 | GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 | CH-ROM : Ms. liturg. FiD 5 | D-Mbs : Clm 02542 | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034 | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 243
CH-P 18346MIGr0Os justi*g0134310 | D-KNd : Ms 1001b | NL-Uu : Hs. 0062 | GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 | PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza | PL-Wn 12496 IV Graduale cisterciense | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034 | E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 | P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 243 | US-PHf (Philadelphia) Free Library of Philadelphia, Music Department Lewis E 226 | P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 011