Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Dom. 2 Quadragesimae
» Analyse this feastSource: I-BV : 34
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 18
Distinct chants: 18
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 11
Distinct chants: 18
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 11
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
I-BV : 34 | 074v | MASS | In | Dirige me Domine in veritate tua | g03377 | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075r | MASS | InV | Ad te domine levavi animam meam | g03377a | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075r | MASS | Gr | Qui confidunt in domino sicut mons | g03378 | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075r | MASS | GrV | Quia non derelinquet dominus virgam peccatorum | g03378a | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075r | MASS | Tc | Confitemini domino quoniam bonus quoniam in | g00722 | 47 | » Display | |
I-BV : 34 | 075r | MASS | TcV | Quis loquetur potentias domini auditas faciet | g00722a | 47 | » Display | |
I-BV : 34 | 075v | MASS | TcV | Beati qui custodiunt judicium et faciunt | g00722b | 48 | » Display | |
I-BV : 34 | 075v | MASS | TcV | Memento nostri domine in beneplacito populi | g00722c | 47 | » Display | |
I-BV : 34 | 075v | MASS | Tp | Memento quaesumus rex Christe famulisque tuis | g00722.Tp1 | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 073r | MASS | HV | Benedictus es in firmamento caeli et | g02022:01 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 073r | MASS | HV | Benedicite omnia opera domini dominum Benedicite | g02022:02 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 073v | MASS | HV | Hymnum dicite et superexaltate eum in | g02022:13 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 073v | MASS | HV | Benedicite aquae quae super caelos sunt | g02202:03 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 073v | MASS | HV | Benedicite stellae caeli dominum Benedicite imber | g02022:04 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075v | MASS | Of | Exaltabo te domine * | g00668 | 1 | GB-Ob : Ms Canon. Liturg. 0342 | |
I-BV : 34 | 075v | MASS | Of | Patres nostri in Aegypto non intellexerunt | g03379 | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 076r | MASS | OfV | Memento nostri domine in beneplacito populi | g03379a | 0 | |
I-BV : 34 | 076r | MASS | OfV | Memor multitudinis misericordiae tuae deus ET | g03379b | 0 |