Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Dom. 10 p. Pent.
» Analyse this feastSource: GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 32
Distinct chants: 32
Antiphons: 6
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 3
Distinct chants: 32
Antiphons: 6
Responsories: 12
Average number of concordances: 3
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | V | A | M | Cum audisset Job nuntiorum verba sustinuit | 001980 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | I | Dominum qui fecit nos* | 001066 | 1 | I-PCd cod. 65 | |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | H | Nocte surgentes* | 008349 | 0 | |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | A | 1 | Cantabimus* | 001760 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | R | 1.1 | Si bona suscepimus de manu domini | 007647 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | V | 1.1 | Nudus egressus sum de utero matris | 007647b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244r | M | R | 1.2 | Antequam comedam suspiro set tamquam inundantes | 006106 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244v | M | V | 1.2 | Nolo multa fortitudine contendas mecum ne | 006106a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244v | M | R | 1.3 | Utinam appenderentur peccata mea quibus iram | 007813 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244v | M | V | 1.3 | Quasi harena maris haec gravior apparet | 007813a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244v | M | R | 1.4 | Induta est caro mea putredine et | 006956 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 244v | M | V | 1.4 | Dies mei velocius transierunt quam ad | 006956b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | R | 2.1 | Memento mei deus quia ventus est | 007143 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | V | 2.1 | Cutis mea aruit et contracta est | 007143b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | R | 2.2 | Paucitas dierum meorum finitur brevi dimitte | 007367 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | V | 2.2 | Ecce in pulvere sedeo et in | 007367a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | R | 2.3 | Ne abscondas me domine a facie | 007202 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245r | M | V | 2.3 | Voca me et respondebo tibi aut | 007202a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245v | M | R | 2.4 | Nocte os meum perforatur doloribus et | 007217 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245v | M | V | 2.4 | O custos hominum quare posuisti me | 007217a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245v | M | R | 3.1 | Quare detraxisti sermonibus veritatis ad increpandum | 007463 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245v | M | V | 3.1 | Quod justum est judicate et non | 007463b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 245v | M | R | 3.2 | Numquid dominus supplantat judicium aut omnipotens | 007244 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | M | V | 3.2 | Apprehende arma et scutum et exsurge | 007244a | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | M | R | 3.3 | Versa est in luctum cithara mea | 007846 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | M | V | 3.3 | Cutis mea denigrata est super me | 007846b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | M | R | 3.4 | Adesto dolori meo deus nimium fatigor | 006035 | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | M | V | 3.4 | Interiora mea ferbuerunt absque ulla requie | 006035b | 0 |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | L | A | B | Dixit dominus villico quid hoc audio | 002291 | 59 | » Display |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246r | V2 | A | M | Ait villicus intra se quid faciam | 002282 | 26 | » Display |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246v | E | A | Quare detraxistis sermonibus veritatis ad increpandum | 004448 | 0 | |
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 | 246v | E | A | Auditu auris audivi te nunc autem | 001526 | 0 |