
Full text: 
Jubilemus et cantemus filii ecclesiae | Noster coetus assit laetus vira tenens patriae | Vox sonora vox decora vox summe laetitiae | Vox paterna ab aeterna sede datur gloriae | Deus unus atque trinus de claratur hodie | Pater voce proles nece spiraris (...)
Fulltext source: 
F-Pn Latin 5256

https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10551087c/f369.item | This chant appears on f. 183v of F-Pn lat. 5256 after the secret (prayer) "Supplices te rogamus" for the martyr George. Look elsewhere for this as a prosula for either of the responsories Ecce nubes lucida (006599) or In columba specie (005892), and if found, renumber and connect it to one of those.

Concordances in the Cantus Index network