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Quia confidunt in domino sicut mons Sion non commovebitur in aeternum qui habitat in Jerusalem | Montes in circuitu ejus et dominus in circuitu populi sui ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum | Quia non derelinquet dominus virgam peccatorum super sortem justorum ut non extendant justi ad iniquitatem manus suas | Benefac domine bonis et rectis corde declinantes autem ad obligationes adducet dominus cum operantibus iniquitatem pax super Israel
Fulltext source: 
GB-Lbl MSS. Add. 30851 79
This is a canticle used as a verse for the antiphon that precedes it. We follow Randel, Index, in cataloguing it as an antiphon verse (ANTV) because several manuscripts label it as VR or have it directly after the antiphon including no further genre label