
Full text: 
Alleluia Justi epulentur et exsultent in conspectu dei delectentur in laetitia
Fulltext source: 
Graduale Romanum


Sun, 17/01/2021 - 12:32pm Franco Ackermans

As for the In Justi g00037, here too: Justi epulentur exsultent, without the 'et' in the oldest sources: E 121, Laon 239 and Ch47.

Concordances in the Cantus Index network


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Cantus ID Genre Full textsort descending
g01322.Tp8 Tp Te trinum colunt sanctorum turbae nisibus totis rogitantes Vindica sanguinem nostrum qui effusus pro te est Deus benigne qui fecisti vincere mundum aspera dira tormenta et bella