Analecta Hymnica vol. 31

Some chants that are found in the volumes of Analecta Hymnica (Analecta hymnica medii aevi, ed. Guido Maria Dreves, Clemens Blume, and Henry Marriott Bannister, 55 vols. (Leipzig: Reisland, 1886–1922)) are also in the Cantus Index catalogue. Many of these have the prefix "ah". Multiple instances in the AH volumes of the same or similar texts are not systematically indicated in the Cantus Index records. Work is ongoing to assign CantusIDs to more Analecta Hymnica texts as they are found in manuscripts indexed by projects in the Cantus Index Network.

Freely-available scans of all volumes are available on Internet Archive, and can be easily navigated here: and/or here:

For the subscription-based complete online database Analecta hymnica medii aevi digitalia (Augsburg: Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, 2004–2024), see:

Note from Dr. Jesse Billett (thank you!): Here:, the publisher provides a page that allows free simple searches of the index, and this makes it possible at least to find out which volume contains any given text.

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Cantus ID Genre Incipit Usual Feast
ah31207 Va Stella caeli exstirpavit quae lactavit dominum mortis pestem quam plantavit primus parens hominum | Ipsa stella nunc dignetur sidera compescere quorum bella plebem caedunt diro mortis ulcere | Virga Jesse germinavit florem veri luminis quem benigne ros rigavit septiformis spiritus | Ipsa virgo nunc compescat daemonum insidias ut in nobis nunc virescat laus et omnis bonitas | Mater dei amicta sole luna tuis pedibus subest nunc a cladis mole serva nos in aedibus | Ipsa mater deprecetur filium piissimum ut viventes hunc laudemus patrem et paraclitum