Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Fer. 6 in Parasceve
» Analyse this feastSource: CH-SGs : Cod 0380
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 45
Distinct chants: 45
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 9
Distinct chants: 45
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 9
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 337 | MASS | HV | Crux fidelis inter omnes arbor una | 008367:08 | 42 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 337 | MASS | HV | Pange lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis et | 008367:01 | 15 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 337 | MASS | HV | De parentis protoplasti fraude factor condolens | 008367:02 | 40 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 338 | MASS | HV | Hoc opus nostrae salutis ordo depoposcerat | 008367:03 | 56 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 338 | MASS | HV | Quando venit ergo sacri plenitudo temporis | 008367:04 | 29 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 338 | MASS | HV | Vagit infans inter arta positus praesepia | 008367:05 | 30 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 339 | MASS | HV | Lustra sex qui jam peracta tempus | 008367:06 | 54 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 339 | MASS | HV | Hic acetum fel arundo sputa clavi | 008367:07 | 51 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 339 | MASS | HV | Flecte ramos arbor alta tensa laxa | 008367:09 | 51 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 340 | MASS | HV | Sola digna tu fuisti ferre pretium | 008367:10 | 34 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 340 | MASS | HV | Sit patri natoque summo gratia cum | 008367:15 | 11 | » Display | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 340 | MASS | Of | Terra tremuit * | g01012 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 340 | MASS | OfV | Notus in Judaea Deus in Israel | g01012a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 341 | MASS | OfV | Et factus est in pace locus | g01012b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 341 | MASS | OfV | Ibi confregit cornu arcuum scutum et | g01012c.2 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 341 | MASS | Of | Angelus * | g01018 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 341 | MASS | OfV | Euntes dicite discipulis ejus ecce praecedet | g01018a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 342 | MASS | OfV | Jesus stetit in medio eorum et | g01018b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 342 | MASS | Of | Intonuit * | g01024 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 342 | MASS | OfV | Diligam te Domine virtus mea dominus | g01024a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 342 | MASS | OfV | Liberator meus de gentibus iracundis ab | g01024b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 343 | MASS | Of | Portas caeli * | g01030 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 343 | MASS | OfV | Attendite popule meus in legem meam | g01030a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 343 | MASS | OfV | Aperiam in parabolis os meum loquar | g01030b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 343 | MASS | Of | In die [sollemnitatis vestrae] * | g01036 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 343 | MASS | OfV | Audi popule meus et loquar Israel | g01036a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 344 | MASS | OfV | Non adorabitis deum alienum quia ego | g01036b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 344 | MASS | Of | Erit vobis * | g01042 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 344 | MASS | OfV | Dixit Moyses ad populum bono animo | g01042a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 344 | MASS | OfV | In mente habete diem istum in | g01042b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 345 | MASS | Of | Benedictus [qui venit] * | g01047 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 345 | MASS | OfV | Haec dies quam fecit Dominus exsultemus | g01047b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 345 | MASS | OfV | Lapidem quem reprobaverunt aedificantes hic factus | g01047a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 345 | MASS | Of | Deus Deus meus * | g01056 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 345 | MASS | OfV | Sitivit in te anima mea quam | g01056a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 346 | MASS | OfV | In matutinis meditabor in te quia | g01056b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 346 | MASS | Of | Lauda [anima mea] * | g01061 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 346 | MASS | OfV | Qui custodit veritatem in saeculum faciens | g01061a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 346 | MASS | OfV | Dominus erigit elisos Dominus solvit compeditos | g01061b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 347 | MASS | Of | Confitebuntur * | g01303 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 347 | MASS | OfV | Misericordias tuas Domine in aeternum cantabo | g01303a | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 347 | MASS | OfV | Quoniam qui in nubibus aequabitur Domino | g01303b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 348 | MASS | Of | Confitebor [domino nimis] * | g01077 | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 348 | MASS | OfV | Adjuva me Domine Deus meus salvum | g01077b | 0 | |
CH-SGs : Cod 0380 | 348 | MASS | OfV | Qui insurgunt in me confundantur servus | g01077a | 0 |