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Feast: Remigii

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Source: NL-Uu : Hs. 0415

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Total chants: 5
Distinct chants: 5
Antiphons: 0
Responsories: 0
Average number of concordances: 5
SiglumFolio IncipitCantus IDConcordances
(same feast)
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415145rInSacerdotes dei *g012809 | F-CO : Ms 0444 (217) | CH-SGv : VadSlg Ms 0295 | GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 | CH-SGs : Cod 0343 | D-Mbs : Clm 02542 | PL-Kl RL 1 Graduał wiślicki | E-SAu (Salamanca) Universidad, Archivo y Biblioteca Ms 2637 | SK-Sk (Spišska Kapitula) Graduale Scepusiense | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415145rGrSacerdotes *g013399 | F-CO : Ms 0444 (217) | D-Mbs : Clm 02542 | PL-SAk 40 Graduał z Sandomierza | PL-Kl RL 1 Graduał wiślicki | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | SK-BRl (Bratislava) Rkp. 387 Missale Notatum | CZ-R (Rajhrad) R 418 | E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361 | E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 1147
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415145rAlAlleluia Judicabunt *g022171 | E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415145rOfExsultabunt *g013235 | F-CO : Ms 0444 (217) | GB-Lbl : Additional 18032 | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | E-Mh (Madrid) Cód. 18 | E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361
NL-Uu : Hs. 0415145rCmEgo vos *g002253 | F-CA : Ms 0060 (61) | SK-Bra (Bratislava) Missale of Bratislava I EC Lad. 3 | E-Mn (Madrid) Mss. 1361