Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph
The Holy Family
Feast code:
Celebrated locally from the 17th century; in the 1908 Vatican Gradual on the third Sunday after Epiphany; after 1921 on the Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany; after 1969 on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. (Thank you to Greg Smisek for prompting the addition of this feast to the database.)
Related chants
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 chantsCantus ID | Genre | Full text | Usual feast |
g00602 | In | Exsultet gaudio pater Justi gaudeat pater tuus et mater tua et exsultet quae genuit itte | Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph |
g00603 | Gr | Unam petii a domino hanc requiram ut inhabitem in domo domini omnibus diebus vitae meae | Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph |
g00605 | Al | Alleluia Vere tu es rex absconditus deus Israel salvator | Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph |
g00611 | Of | Tulerunt Jesum parentes ejus in Jerusalem ut sisterent eum domino | Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph |
g00612 | Cm | Descendit Jesus cum eis et venit Nazareth et erat subditus illis | Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph |