Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph

The Holy Family

Feast code:

Celebrated locally from the 17th century; in the 1908 Vatican Gradual on the third Sunday after Epiphany; after 1921 on the Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany; after 1969 on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. (Thank you to Greg Smisek for prompting the addition of this feast to the database.)

Related chants

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 chants
Cantus ID Genre Full text Usual feast
g00602 In Exsultet gaudio pater Justi gaudeat pater tuus et mater tua et exsultet quae genuit itte Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph
g00603 Gr Unam petii a domino hanc requiram ut inhabitem in domo domini omnibus diebus vitae meae Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph
g00605 Al Alleluia Vere tu es rex absconditus deus Israel salvator Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph
g00611 Of Tulerunt Jesum parentes ejus in Jerusalem ut sisterent eum domino Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph
g00612 Cm Descendit Jesus cum eis et venit Nazareth et erat subditus illis Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph