
Full text: 
Exclamaverunt ad te domine in tempore afflictionis suae et tu de caelo exaudisti eos alleluia alleluia
Usual feast: 
Fulltext source: 
Graduale Romanum

Concordances in the Cantus Index network


Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Cantus ID Genre Full textsort descending
g00185.Tp09 Tp Alme tuum semper cernentes jure regimen | EXCLA
g00185.Tp12 Tp Aspera portantes propter te corpora sancti | EXCLA
g00185.Tp07 Tp Hostibus allisis mundique principe victo | ET TU
g00185.Tp06 Tp Mortificando sua propter te corpora sancti | ECXLA
g00185.Tp10 Tp Nostra benigne libens detergis noxia soter | ET TU
g00185.Tp11 Tp Unde fidelis ovans proclamet turba pereon | ALL
g00185.Tp08 Tp Ut tibi dulciflue psallant recinendo per aevum | ALLELUIA