Full text:
Conditor alme siderum aeterna lux credentium Christe redemptor omnium exaudi preces supplicum | Qui condolens interitu mortis perire saeculum salvasti mundum languidum donans reis remedium | Vergente mundi vespere uti sponsus de thalamo egressus honestissima virginis matris clausula | Cujus forti potentiae genu curvantur omnia caelestia terrestria nutu fatentur subdita | Te sancte fide quaesumus venture judex saeculi conserva nos in tempore hostis a telo perfidi | Sit Christe rex piissime tibi patrique gloria cum spiritu paraclito in sempiterna saecula
Usual feast:
Fulltext source:
https://www.preces-latinae.org/thesaurus/Hymni/Conditor.html and “One Hundred Latin Hymns: Ambrose to Aquinas” (ed. Walsh & Husch)
CAO concordances:
cf. 008284.2 for the 1632 Urban VIII revision of this hymn, which begin differently and have extensive other differences
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