Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Nativitas Domini
» Analyse this feastSource: SI-Lna 18 (olim 17)
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 74
Distinct chants: 67
Antiphons: 26
Responsories: 13
Average number of concordances: 68
Distinct chants: 67
Antiphons: 26
Responsories: 13
Average number of concordances: 68
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | L | A | 4 | Facta est cum angelo | 002836 | 110 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | L | A | 3 | Angelus ad pastores ait | 001404 | 110 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | A | 2.2 | Orietur in diebus domini | 004194 | 110 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | A | 2.1 | Suscepimus deus misericordiam | 005084 | 114 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | A | 3.2 | Laetentur caeli et exsultet | 003567 | 110 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | R | 3.2 | Pastores prae claritate | 007357 | 0 |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 042v | V | A | R | O regem caeli* | 004077 | 13 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 042v | V | W | R | Tamquam sponsus | 008216 | 105 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | V2 | A | 5 | De fructu ventris tui ponam | 002106 | 89 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024r | M | V | 01 | Gloria in excelsis deo et in | 006858a | 106 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | P | A | In principio et ante saecula | 003273 | 32 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025v | M | R | 2.3 | Beata dei genetrix Maria | 006162 | 109 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | L | A | 2 | Genuit puerpera regem cui | 002938 | 117 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024v | M | Tp | Familiam custodi Christe tuam | 006411Pb | 12 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | V2 | A | 1 | Tecum principium in die | 005127 | 105 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026v | M | V | 01 | Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum | 007357a | 0 |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | V | 01 | Benedicta tu in mulieribus et | 007569a | 111 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | S | V | 01 | Et ego primogenitum ponam | 006989a | 0 |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 023v | M | A | 1.2 | Tamquam sponsus dominus | 005101 | 108 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | L | A | B | Gloria in excelsis deo et | 002946 | 119 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | L | A | 5 | Parvulus filius hodie natus | 004221 | 110 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | V2 | A | 4 | Apud dominum misericordia et | 001466 | 99 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 023v | M | W | 1. | Tamquam sponsus | 008216 | 105 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024r | M | V | 01 | Gloria in excelsis deo et in | 006859a | 42 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026v | M | V | 02 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 101 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | T | V | 01 | De thalamo suo | 007750a | 1 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | T | W | Ipse invocavit me pater meus | 008106 | 70 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 023v | M | I | Christus natus est nobis | 001055 | 118 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026v | M | R | 3.3 | Verbum caro factum est et | 007840 | 99 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | T | R | Tamquam sponsus dominus | 007750 | 1 | PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12 Antyfonarz z Płocka, pars de tempore | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024v | M | V | 01 | Missus ab arce veniebat | 006411b | 5 | PL-STAb 1 Antiphonarium | A-Gu 29 | A-LIb 290 | CH-E 611 | PL-WRu R 503 |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | V | 03 | Gloria patri et filio et | 909000 | 101 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | M | L | Liber generationis Jesu* | 850122 | 34 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028v | V2 | Sq | Laetabundus exsultet fidelis | 508017 | 3 | PL-Kl RL 1 Graduał wiślicki | F-AS : Ms 0437 (cat. 1011) | E-Bbc (Barcelona) Ms. 619 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 029r | V2 | W | Post partum virgo* | 008169 | 6 | PL-Wn 12720 V Antyfonarz opata Mścisława z Tyńca, pars de tempore | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | CZ-Pu VI.E.4c | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 032v | L | A | R | Nato domino* | 003854 | 38 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | R | 2.1 | Quem vidistis pastores dicite | 007470 | 104 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | V2 | A | 2 | Redemptionem misit dominus | 004587 | 102 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024r | M | R | 1.3 | Descendit de caelis missus ab | 006411 | 68 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024r | M | R | 1.1 | Hodie nobis caelorum rex de | 006858 | 109 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024r | M | R | 1.2 | Hodie nobis de caelo pax vera | 006859 | 109 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024v | M | Tp | Fac deus munda corpora nostra | 006411Pd | 7 | F-Pn : Lat. 9449 | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | F-Pn : NAL 01235 | F-Pn : NAL 01236 | F-Pn Lat. 12044 | F-TOm 149 | F-Pn NAL 1535 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | W | 2. | Ipse invocavit me pater meus | 008106 | 70 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025v | M | V | 01 | Domine audivi auditum tuum et | 007274a | 89 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | A | 3.1 | Ipse invocabit me alleluia | 003402 | 97 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | A | 3.3 | Notum fecit dominus alleluia | 003964 | 108 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | N | A | Nato domino angelorum chori | 003854 | 38 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 029r | V2 | A | M | Hodie Christus natus est | 003093 | 103 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | V2 | A | 3 | Exortum est in tenebris lumen | 002794 | 100 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | A | 2.3 | Veritas de terra orta est | 005368 | 112 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026v | M | Quem aethera et terra atque | 007840Pzc | 27 | » Display | ||
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | P | V | 02 | Gloria patri* | 909000 | 101 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 023v | M | A | 1.1 | Dominus dixit ad me filius | 002406 | 112 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | N | R | Notum fecit dominus salutare | 007242 | 32 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | S | A | Natus est nobis deus de | 003856 | 8 | D-W 29 Helmst. | A-LIb 290 | DK-Kk 3449 8o [01] I | CH-SGs 388 | CH-SGs 390 | TR-Itks 42 | SK-BSa (Banská Štiavnica) Protocollum No.inv.269 16 MMBŠ 16K12 1587-1591, škatuľa 5 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | L | A | 1 | Quem vidistis pastores dicite | 004455 | 105 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 023v | M | A | 1.3 | Diffusa est gratia in labiis | 002216 | 108 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | T | A | Natus est nobis hodie | 003857 | 52 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026v | M | V | 01 | In principio erat verbum et | 007840a | 76 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 024v | M | V | 02 | Gloria pie trinitati honor | 006411za | 6 | A-LIb 290 | A-Wn Cod. 1890 | CH-E 611 | A-Gu 29 | A-KR VI/258 | SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív Antiphonary of Bratislava V |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025r | M | Tp | Facturae plasmator et | 006411Pzd | 10 | PL-Klk 1 Antyfonarz kielecki | CZ-Pn (Praha) XV A 10 | A-Gu 29 | PL-KIk 1 | A-VOR 287 | A-Wn Cod. 1890 | A-SF XI 480 | A-LIb 290 | PL-WRu R 503 | GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 202 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025v | M | V | 01 | Dicite quidnam vidistis et | 007470b | 78 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025v | M | V | 01 | Ave Maria gratia plena | 006162a | 14 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | R | 3.1 | Sancta et immaculata | 007569 | 119 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 025v | M | R | 2.2 | O magnum mysterium et | 007274 | 108 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 026r | M | W | 3. | Verbum caro factum est | 008238 | 66 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | P | W | Post partum virgo inviolata | 008169 | 6 | PL-Wn 12720 V Antyfonarz opata Mścisława z Tyńca, pars de tempore | D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149 Breviarium monasticum | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | CZ-Pu VI.E.4c | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | GB-WO F.160 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | S | R | Ipse invocavit me pater meus | 006989 | 0 | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | S | W | Notum fecit dominus* | 008153 | 74 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | N | V | 01 | In conspectu gentium | 007242a | 33 | » Display |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 028r | N | W | Verbum caro factum est | 008238 | 66 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027r | M | Te deum laudamus* | 909010 | 46 | » Display | ||
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | P | R | Christe fili dei vivi | 006276 | 27 | » Display | |
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17) | 027v | P | V | 01 | Qui natus es de virgine | 006276ze | 20 | » Display |