Cantus Analysis Tool
Feast: Comm. plurimorum Virginum
» Analyse this feastSource: F-Pn Lat. 12044
» Analyse this source | » View this sourceTotal chants: 52
Distinct chants: 51
Antiphons: 14
Responsories: 15
Average number of concordances: 34
Distinct chants: 51
Antiphons: 14
Responsories: 15
Average number of concordances: 34
Siglum | Folio | Incipit | Cantus ID | Concordances (same feast) | |||
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.2 | Unguentum effusum nomen tuum ideo | 005273 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | A | 2.4 | Nigra sum sed formosa filiae | 003878 | 37 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.3 | O quam pulchra es casta | 004069 | 52 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.5 | Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo | 001282 | 59 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.4 | Specie tua et pulchritudine tua | 004987 | 60 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.6 | Laeva ejus sub capite meo | 003574 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | A | 2.3 | Jam hiems transiit imber abiit | 003470 | 14 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | A | 2.6 | Prudentes virgines aptate lampades vestras | 004404 | 58 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | A | 2.5 | Surge aquilo et veni auster | 005070 | 22 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | V | A | M | Accinxit fortitudine lumbos suos et | 001229 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | W | 2. | Specie tua* | 008201 | 58 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | V | 01 | Quasi sponsum decoratum corona et | 006955c | 4 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | F-VAL 114 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | V | 01 | Media autem nocte clamor factus | 006809a | 49 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | V | 01 | Tunc surrexerunt omnes virgines illae | 007496a | 12 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | W | 3. | Dilexisti justitiam* | 008017 | 11 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | W | 1. | Diffusa est gratia in labiis | 008014 | 52 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 239v | V | H | 0 | Jesu corona virginum* | 008330 | 50 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 239v | V | R | 0 | Diffusa est gratia in labiis | 006445 | 23 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | I | 0 | Regem virginum dominum venite adoremus | 001151 | 44 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | H | 0 | Virginis proles* | 008411 | 41 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | R | 1.1 | Diffusa est gratia in labiis | 006446 | 56 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | V | 01 | Propter veritatem et mansuetudinem et | 006446d | 5 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | I-Rv C.5 | I-Lc 601 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | R | 1.2 | Specie tua et pulchritudine tua | 007680 | 48 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | V | 01 | Diffusa est gratia in labiis | 007680a | 46 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | R | 2.2 | Pulchra facie sed pulchrior fide | 007452 | 37 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | V | 01 | Specie tua et* | 007452a | 34 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | R | 1.3 | Veni sponsa Christi accipe coronam | 007828 | 56 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | R | 2.3 | Haec est virgo prudens quae | 006806 | 14 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | R | 1.4 | Simile est regnum caelorum decem | 007667 | 45 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | V | 01 | Quinque autem ex eis erant | 007667b | 7 | I-Lc 601 | E-Tc 44.2 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 | E-Gs (Girona) ms. 45 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | A | 2.2 | Pulchra es et decora* | 004418 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | A | 2.6 | Accinxit* | 001229 | 17 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | R | 2.1 | Dilexisti justitiam et odisti iniquitatem | 006450 | 59 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | V | 01 | Propter veritatem et mansuetudinem et | 006450a | 34 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | R | 3.1 | Haec est virgo sapiens quam | 006809 | 61 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | V | 01 | Induet te dominus vestimento salutis | 006142a | 10 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | F-Pn NAL 1535 | F-Pn Lat. 1090 | GB-WO F.160 | F-Pn Lat. 15182 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | F-VAL 114 | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | V | 01 | Prudentes virgines aptate lampades vestras | 007312a | 15 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 239v | V | V | 02 | Gloria* | 909000 | 61 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | R | 3.4 | Audi filia et vide et | 006142 | 10 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | F-Pn Lat. 15181 | GB-WO F.160 (Facs) | F-Pn NAL 1535 | F-Pn Lat. 1090 | GB-WO F.160 | F-Pn Lat. 15182 | GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 | F-VAL 114 | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | R | 13 | Offerrentur regi virgines domino post | 007312 | 44 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | V | 01 | Media autem nocte clamor factus | 006806a | 7 | E-Tc 44.2 | F-Pn Lat. 12601 | F-AS 465 (CGM 893) | I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 | I-Lc 601 | P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 028 | E-SI (Santo Domingo de Silos) MS 9 |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | V | 01 | Audi filia et vide et | 007441a | 12 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 239v | V | V | 01 | Propterea benedixit te deus in | 006445a | 23 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 239v | V | W | 0 | Adjuvabit eam deus vultu suo | 007934 | 57 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | V | 01 | Veni electa mea et ponam | 007828a | 51 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | R | 3.2 | Quinque prudentes virgines acceperunt oleum | 007496 | 19 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | R | 3.3 | Induit me dominus vestimento salutis* | 006955 | 22 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | R | 2.4 | Propter veritatem et mansuetudinem et | 007441 | 57 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241v | M | R | 14 | Regnum mundi et omnem ornatum | 007524 | 51 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 241r | M | A | 3. | Inventa bona margarita dedit omnia | 003396 | 34 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240r | M | A | 1.1 | Ante torum hujus virginis frequentate | 001438 | 26 | » Display |
F-Pn Lat. 12044 | 240v | M | A | 2.1 | Dum esset rex in accubitu | 002450 | 21 | » Display |