Full text:
O gloriosa domina excelsa super sidera qui te creavit provide lactas sacrato ubere | Quod Eva tristis abstulit tu reddis almo germine intrent ut astra flebiles sternis benigna semitam | Tu regis alti janua et porta lucis fulgida vitam datam per virginem gentes redemptae plaudite | Patri sit paraclito tuoque nato gloria qui veste te mirabili circumdederunt gratiae
Usual feast:
Fulltext source:
CAO concordances:
O gloriosa domina is the second half of the hymn Quem terra pontus aethera (Cantus ID 008375). | cf. 008375e.1 for the 1632 Urban VIII revision of this hymn, which begins differently but has minimal other differences
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