Feast | Feast date | Feast code | Notes | Analysis Tool |
Juliani, Hermetis Julian of Brioude and Hermes, Martyrs |
Aug.28 | 14082860 | Analyse | |
Justae et Rufinae Justa and Rufina, Virgin Martyrs, patronesses of Seville |
Jul.17 | 14071730 |
Holweck, p. 577 |
Analyse |
Justi Justus of Beauvais, Martyr |
Oct.18 | 14101810 | Analyse | |
Justi, Epi. Justus, Bishop of Lyons |
Sep.1 | 14090150 | Analyse | |
Justi, Pastoris Justus and Pastor, Martyrs at Alcalá de Henares (Complutum) |
Aug.6 | 14080630 |
Holweck, p. 580; |
Analyse |
Justinae, Cypriani Justina and Cyprian, Martyrs |
Sep.26 | 14092600 | Analyse | |
Justinae, Cypriani,8 In week after Justina and Cyprian |
14092608 | Analyse | ||
Justini Justin, child martyred near Paris |
Aug.8 | 14080810 | Analyse | |
Justini Martyris |
Apr.14 | Analyse | ||
Juvenalis Juvenal, Bishop of Narni |
May.3 | 14050320 | Analyse | |
Juventi corporis Clarae The young body of Clare of Assisi |
Analyse | |||
Juventi corporis Clarae |
Analyse | |||
Karoli Magni Charlemagne, Emperor and Confessor |
Jan.28 | 14012810 | Analyse | |
Kenelmi Kenelm, Prince of Mercian Royal Family |
Jul.17 | 14071710 | Analyse | |
Kiliani et sociorum Kilian and companions, Martyrs |
Jul.8 | 14070810 | Analyse | |
Kunegundis Cunegund (Kunegunde), Queen |
Mar.3 | 14030300 | Analyse | |
LACUNA Indicates missing page(s) in MS |
00000000 | Analyse | ||
Ladislai Ladislaus, King of Hungary |
Jun.27 | 14062700 | Analyse | |
Lamberti Lambert, Bishop of Maestricht |
Sep.17 | 14091700 | Analyse | |
Lamberti,8 In week after Lambert |
14091708 | Analyse | ||
Landelini Landelinus, Abbot |
Jun.15 | 14061520 | Analyse | |
Landerici Landericus (Landry), Bishop of Paris |
Jun.10 | 14061000 | Analyse | |
Launomari Launomarus, Abbot of Corbie |
Jan.19 | 14011930 | Analyse | |
Laurentii Laurence, Martyr |
Aug.10 | 14081000 | Analyse | |
Laurentii de Brundusio Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris |
Jul.21 | Analyse | ||
Laurentii Justiniani Episcopi, Conf. |
Sep.5 | Analyse | ||
Laurentii,8 In week after Laurence |
14081008 | Analyse | ||
Lauteni Lautein (Lothenus, Lautenus), Abbot, founder of Silèze and Maximiac abbeys in the Jura mountains |
Nov.2 | 14110200 |
Holweck, p. 593 (Nov 1); |
Analyse |
Lazari Lazarus of Bethany, "Bp." Marseilles |
Dec.17 | 14121700 | Analyse | |
Lebuini Lebwin (Lebuin, Liafwin, Leafwine), Confessor |
Nov.12 | 14111200 | Analyse | |
Leocadiae Leocadia of Toledo, Virgin Martyr |
Dec.9 | 14120920 |
Holweck, p. 601; |
Analyse |
Leodegarii Leodegarius (Leger), Bishop Martyr |
Oct.2 | 14100200 | Analyse | |
Leonardi Leonard, Hermit |
Nov.6 | 14110610 | Analyse | |
Leonardi a Portu Mauritio Leonardo of Porto Maurizio (Leonard of Port Maurice), confessor, missionary and ascetic writer (canonized 1867) |
Nov.26 | 14112630 |
Holweck, pp. 602-3; OCLC WorldCat Identities http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2003078139/ |
Analyse |
Leonis Leo the Great, Pope |
Jun.28 | 14062800 | Analyse | |
Leonis I Papae, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris |
Apr.11 | Analyse | ||
Leonis, Pont. Leo IX, Pope |
Apr.19 | 14041900 | Analyse | |
Leonis, Pont., Quad. Leo IX, Pope, when the feast occurs during Lent |
Apr.19 | 14041910 | Analyse | |
Leopardi Leopardus, Martyr |
Sep.30 | 14093010 | Analyse | |
Leopoldi Leopold, Margrave of Austria (Leopoldi Marchionis) |
Nov.15 | 14111520 |
Holweck, p. 606; |
Analyse |
Leopoldi, transl. Moving of Leopold, Margrave of Austria's relics (Leopoldi Marchionis) |
Feb.15 | 14021520 |
Holweck, p. 606; |
Analyse |
Leutfredi Leufred (Leufroy), Abbot |
Jun.21 | 14062110 | Analyse | |
Liborii Liborius, Confessor and Bishop of Lemans |
Jul.23 | 14072300 | Analyse | |
Licinii Licinius, Confessor, Bishop of Angers |
Nov.1 | 14110150 |
Holweck, p. 611; |
Analyse |
Lini Linus, Bishop of Rome |
Nov.26 | 14112600 | Analyse | |
Lini Papae, Martyris |
Sep.23 | Analyse | ||
LITURA Indicates an erasure in MS (to be used when the liturgical occasion is unknown) |
00000001 | Analyse | ||
LOCAL:Adriani Adrian, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg |
Sep.8 | 14090830 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Afrae Afra, Martyr, as witnessed at Augsburg and Muenster |
Aug.7 | 14080710 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Annae Anne, as witnessed in Muenster (after 1510) |
Aug.16 | 14081650 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Annae,Zutfania Anne, as witnessed at Zutphen |
Jul.19 | 14071900 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Chrysan,Dariae Chrysanthus and Daria, as witnessed at Muenster |
Oct.24 | 14102420 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Hieronimi Jerome, as witnessed in Muenster |
Sep.28 | 14092810 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Sept.Dorm.Eph. Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, as witnessed at Muenster |
Jun.27 | 14062710 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Sulpit.,Sever. Sulpitius (Sulpitianus, Simplicius) and Servilianus, Martyrs, as witnessed at Augsburg |
Oct.3 | 14100310 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Tr.Trium Regum Moving of relics of the Three Kings (the Magi) to Cologne in the 12th Century, as witnessed in Muenster |
Jul.26 | 14072620 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
LOCAL:Transl. Serva. Moving of Servatius's relics |
Jun.7 | 14060710 |
DO NOT USE THIS FEASTNAME - It merely holds a number for a local celebration. |
Analyse |
Lucae Luke, Evangelist |
Oct.18 | 14101800 | Analyse | |
Lucae,8 In week after Luke |
14101808 | Analyse | ||
Lucani Lucanus of Gascony, Martyr |
Oct.30 | 14103000 | Analyse | |
Luciae Lucy (Lucia), Virgin Martyr |
Dec.13 | 14121300 | Analyse | |
Luciae, Germiniani Lucy and Germinianus, Martyrs |
Sep.16 | 14091620 | Analyse | |
Luciae,8 In week after Lucy |
14121308 | Analyse | ||
Luciani et sociorum Lucianus and companions, Martyrs |
Oct.16 | 14101620 | Analyse | |
Lucii I Papae, Martyris |
Mar.1 | Analyse | ||
Ludgeri Ludger (Liudger), First Bishop of Muenster |
Mar.26 | 14032600 | Analyse | |
Ludmilae Ludmila, Matron and Martyr |
Sep.16 | 14091630 |
Holweck, p.624; |
Analyse |
Ludovici Louis IX, King of France |
Aug.25 | 14082500 | Analyse | |
Ludovici Toul. Louis, Bishop of Toulouse |
Aug.19 | 14081900 | Analyse | |
Lupi Lupus (Leu), Bishop of Sens |
Sep.1 | 14090110 | Analyse | |
Lupi Bajocensis Lupus, Bishop of Bayeux |
Oct.25 | 14102520 | Analyse | |
Lutgardae Lutgard, Virgin, Mystic, Cistercian Order |
Jun.16 | 14061620 |
Holweck, pp. 628-29; |
Analyse |
Macarii Macarius the Elder, Hermit |
Jan.15 | 14011530 | Analyse | |
Machabaeorum Holy Maccabees, Martyrs |
Aug.1 | 14080120 | Analyse | |
Maclovii Maclovius (Malo, Maclou, Machut, Maclow, Maloù, Mac'h Low, Maglovius, Machutus), Bishop of Aleth |
Nov.15 | 14111510 |
^formerly "Machuti"; Holweck, p. 635; |
Analyse |
Madelgari Vincent (ne Madelgar), Abbot |
Jul.14 | 14071400 | Analyse | |
Mafaldae Reginae Portuguese princess and queen; nun (Cistercian order) in the Convent of Arouca |
May.2 | 14050230 | Analyse | |
Maglorii Magloire (Maelor), Bishop of Dol |
Oct.24 | 14102400 | Analyse | |
Magni Magnus, "Apostle" of Bavaria |
Sep.6 | 14090610 | Analyse | |
Malachiae Malachy, Bishop at Armagh, Ireland |
Nov.2 | 14110220 |
Holweck, p.642; |
Analyse |
Mamerti Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne |
May.11 | 14051100 | Analyse | |
Marcelli Marcellus, Martyr |
Sep.4 | 14090420 | Analyse | |
Marcelli Parisien.,8 In week after Marcellus of Paris |
14110318 | Analyse | ||
Marcelli Parisiensis Marcellus, Bishop of Paris |
Nov.3 | 14110310 | Analyse | |
Marcelli, Apuleii Marcellus and Apulejus, Martyrs |
Oct.7 | 14100710 | Analyse | |
Marcelli, Pont. Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr |
Jan.16 | 14011600 | Analyse | |
Marcellini, Petri Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs |
Jun.2 | 14060200 | Analyse | |
Marci Mark, Evangelist |
Apr.25 | 14042500 | Analyse | |
Marci, Marcellini Mark and Marcellian, Martyrs |
Jun.18 | 14061800 | Analyse | |
Marci, Pont. Mark, Pope |
Oct.7 | 14100700 | Analyse | |
Marci,8 In week after Mark, Evangelist |
14042508 | Analyse | ||
Margaritae Margaret (Marina), Virgin Martyr |
Jul.20 | 14072010 | Analyse | |
Margaritae Cortonensis Margaret of Cortona, penitent (canonized in 1728) |
Feb.22 | 14022210 |
Holweck, p. 655; |
Analyse |
Margaritae Mariae Alacoque Virg. |
Oct.17 | Analyse | ||
Margaritae Reginae Scotiae, Viduae |
Jun.10 | Analyse | ||
Mariae ad Nives Mary of the Snows |
Aug.5 | 14080520 | Analyse | |
Mariae Aegyptiacae Mary the Egyptian, Penitent |
Apr.2 | 14040200 | Analyse | |
Mariae Mag.,8 In week after Mary Magdalene |
14072208 | Analyse | ||
Mariae Magdalenae Mary Magdalene |
Jul.22 | 14072200 | Analyse | |
Mariae Magdalenae de Pazzis Virg. |
May.29 | Analyse | ||
Mariae Salome Mary Salome |
Oct.22 | 14102210 |
Holweck, p. 677; |
Analyse |
Marii, Marthae Marius, Martha, et al., Martyrs |
Jan.19 | 14011900 | Analyse | |
Marinae Marina, Virgin |
Jul.17 | 14071720 | Analyse | |
Marthae Martha, Virgin |
Jul.29 | 14072930 | Analyse | |
Martialis, Apost. Martial, "Apostle" of Limoges |
Jul.8 | 14070800 | Analyse | |
Martialis, Epi. Martial, Bishop of Limoges |
Jun.30 | 14063010 | Analyse | |
Martinae Martina, Virgin Martyr (said to have been beheaded in Rome under Emperor Alexander Severus, 1 January 228) |
Jan.30 | 14013020 |
Holweck, p. 669 (Jan 1, and since 1635 on Nov 28 or Jan 30); |
Analyse |
Martini Martin, Bishop of Tours |
Nov.11 | 14111100 | Analyse | |
Martini Archiepiscopi Bracharensis Martin, Bishop of Braga |
Mar.20 | 14032020 |
Holweck, p. 667; |
Analyse |
Martini, Pont. Martin I, Pope |
Nov.12 | 14111250 |
Holweck, p. 668; |
Analyse |
Martini,8 In week after Martin |
14111108 | Analyse | ||
Martinus Dumiensis archiepiscopi bracharensis |
Mar.20 | Analyse | ||
Martyrum sive Confessorum TP Common of Martyrs or Confessors, Eastertide |
12802300 | Analyse | ||
Materni Maternus, Bishop of Cologne |
Sep.19 | 14091910 | Analyse | |
Maternitatis B. M. V. |
Oct.11 | Analyse | ||
Matthaei Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist |
Sep.21 | 14092100 | Analyse | |
Matthaei,8 In week after Matthew |
14092108 | Analyse | ||
Matthiae Matthias, Apostle |
Feb.24 | 14022400 |
Holweck, p.685; |
Analyse |
Maturini Maturin, Priest of Larchant (Sens) |
Nov.9 | 14110930 | Analyse | |
Mauri Maurus, Abbot |
Jan.15 | 14011510 | Analyse | |
Mauri,8 In week after Maurus |
14011518 | Analyse | ||
Maurilii Maurilius, Bishop of Angers |
Sep.13 | 14091300 | Analyse | |
Mauritii et sociorum Maurice and companions, Martyrs |
Sep.22 | 14092200 | Analyse | |
Maxellendis Maxellendis, Virgin Martyr |
Nov.13 | 14111320 | Analyse | |
Maximiliani Maximilian, Bishop of Lorch |
Oct.12 | 14101220 | Analyse | |
Maximini Maximinus, Bishop of Trier |
May.29 | 14052900 | Analyse | |
Medardi Medard, Bishop of Vermandois |
Jun.8 | 14060800 | Analyse | |
Mederici Medericus (Merry), Abbot |
Aug.29 | 14082920 | Analyse | |
Meginrati Meinrad, Hermit of Einsiedeln |
Jan.21 | 14012110 | Analyse | |
Melchiadis Papae et Martyris |
Dec.10 | Analyse | ||
Melori Melorus (Melar, Mylor), Martyr |
Oct.1 | 14100120 | Analyse | |
Mennae Mennas, Martyr |
Nov.11 | 14111110 | Analyse | |
Mercurii |
Analyse | |||
Michaelis Michael the Archangel (Michaelmas) |
Sep.29 | 14092900 | Analyse | |
Milburgae Milburga, Abbess of Wenlock |
Feb.23 | 14022300 | Analyse | |
Mildrithae Mildred, Abbess of Minster-in-Thanet |
Jul.13 | 14071310 | Analyse | |
Miniatis Minias, Martyr |
Oct.25 | 14102510 | Analyse | |
Mirac. Genovefae Commemoration of Genevieve's Miracle |
Nov.26 | 14112610 | Analyse | |
Miraculi sanctae crucis The miracle of the Holy Cross (celebrated at Wilton Abbey) |
?? | 17008000 |
Exact date uncertain at this time; at Wilton Abbey, between St. Leonard (Nov 6) and St. Martin (Nov 11); |
Analyse |
Missa ad postulandum gratiam bene moriendi |
Analyse | |||
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. A Nativ. Domini usque ad Purificationem |
Analyse | |||
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. A Pascha usque ad Pentecosten |
Analyse | |||
Missa de Sancta Maria in Sabbato. Ab Adventu usque ad Nativitatem Domini |
Analyse | |||
Missa in dominicis diebus Mass on Sundays |
16012700 | Analyse | ||
Missa in gratiarum actione pro expulsa tribulatione vel egritudine et reddit prosperitate atque salute Thanksgiving mass for the grace of the expelling of distress or disease and the recovering of prosperity and health |
15009080 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa pro Ecclesiae defensione |
Analyse | |||
Missa pro Fidei Propagatione |
Analyse | |||
Missa pro peregrinantibus |
Analyse | |||
Missa pro solo Episcopo dicenda Mass said by the Bishop alone |
15009070 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa pro unitate Ecclesiae |
Analyse | |||
Missa pro vitanda mortalitate |
Analyse | |||
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat Mass which the priest must say for himself |
15009050 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se dicere debeat digeritur hoc modo Mass which the priest must say for himself in this way |
15009040 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa quam Sacerdos pro se in tribulatione dicere debeat Mass which the priest in distress must say for himself |
15009060 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa votiva de omnibus Apostolis Votive Mass for all the Apostles |
15009021 | Analyse | ||
Missa votiva de rege Votive Mass for a king |
15009020 | Analyse | ||
Missa votiva omnimoda Votive Mass |
15009010 | Analyse | ||
Missa votiva pluralis Votive Mass on behalf of several people |
15009012 | Analyse | ||
Missa Votiva pro eligendo Summo Pontifice |
Analyse | |||
Missa votiva quam dicit Episcopus quando presbyterum ordinat Votive Mass said by the Bishop when a presbyter is ordained |
15009030 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Missa votiva singularis Votive Mass on behalf of one person |
15009011 | Analyse | ||
Missa Votiva. Feria II. Missa de Sanctissima Trinitate |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria IV. Missa de S. Joseph |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria V. Missa de D. N. Jesu Christo summo et aeterno Sacerdote |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria V. Missa de Ss. Euchar. Sacramento |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Passione D. N. J. C. |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Passione Domini |
Analyse | |||
Missa Votiva. Feria VI. Missa de Sacratissimo Corde Jesu |
Analyse | |||
Modesti Modestus, Martyr |
Feb.12 | 14021210 | Analyse | |
Monicae Monica, Mother of Augustine |
May.4 | 14050440 | Analyse | |
Monicae Viduae |
May.4 | Analyse | ||
Multorum in tribulatione Chants for many in tribulation |
16026020 | Analyse | ||
Mustiolae, Irenaei Mustiola and Irenaeus, Martyrs |
Jul.3 | 14070310 | Analyse | |
Narboris et Felicis Mart. |
Jul.12 | Analyse | ||
Narcissi Narcissus, Bishop of Gerona, Spain, and Apostle of Augsburg (Bavaria) |
Oct.29 | 14102900 |
Holweck, p. 728 = Mar. 18 in Augsburg, but Oct. 29 in Gerona; Grotefend = Oct. 29 (http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/gaeste/grotefend/grotefend.htm, accessed 15 Nov 2007) but is this saint conflated with Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem? |
Analyse |
Nat. Innocentium Holy Innocents |
Dec.28 | 02122800 | Analyse | |
Nat. Innocentium,8 In week after Holy Innocents |
02122808 | Analyse | ||
Nativitas Domini Christmas Day |
Dec.25 | 02122500 | Analyse | |
Nativitas Domini,8 In week after Christmas |
02122508 | Analyse | ||
Nativitas Mariae Birthday of Mary |
Sep.8 | 14090800 | Analyse | |
Nativitas Mariae,8 In week after Birthday of Mary |
14090808 | Analyse | ||
Nazarii |
Analyse | |||
Nazarii, Celsi Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs |
Jul.28 | 14072800 | Analyse | |
Nerei, Achillei Nereus and Achilleus, Roman Martyrs |
May.12 | 14051240 |
Holweck, p. 733; |
Analyse |
Nicasii Nicasius, Bishop Martyr of Reims |
Dec.14 | 14121400 | Analyse | |
Nicasii et sociorum Nicasius of Rouen, alleged Bishop of Rouen |
Oct.11 | 14101130 | Analyse | |
Nicolai Nicholas of Bari, Bishop of Myra |
Dec.6 | 14120600 |
Holweck, p. 741; |
Analyse |
Nicolai de Flue. Die 25 Septembris |
Analyse | |||
Nicolai de Tolentino Nicolas of Tolentino |
Sep.10 | 14091030 |
Holweck, p. 740; |
Analyse |
Nicolai Pici et sociorum Nicholas Pieck (Nicolaus Picus) and 18 companions, Martyrs |
Jul.9 | 14070920 |
Holweck, p. 740; ^formerly "Nicolai et sociorum" |
Analyse |
Nicolai,8 In week after Nicholas |
14120608 | Analyse | ||
Nicomedis Nicomedes, Martyr |
Sep.15 | 14091530 | Analyse | |
Nicomedis, Valeriani Nicomedes and Valerianus, Martyrs |
Sep.15 | 14091540 | Analyse | |
Nominis BMV The Holy Name of Mary, celebrated on the Sunday after the Nativity of Mary |
14090811 |
originated in Spain; approved in the 16th century |
Analyse | |
Nominis Jesu The Holy Name of Jesus |
Jan.14 | 14011430 | Analyse | |
Norberti Episcopi, Confessoris |
Jun.6 | Analyse | ||
Oct. Adalberti Octave of Adalbert |
Apr.30 | 14043020 | Analyse | |
Oct. Apost, Die 3 The third day after the Octave of Peter and Paul |
Jul.8 | 14070820 | Analyse | |
Oct. Apostolorum,8 In week after Octave of Peter and Paul |
14070608 | Analyse | ||
Oct. Ascens. Domini Octave of Ascension |
08075000 | Analyse | ||
Oct. Corporis Christi Octave of Corpus Christi |
09025000 | Analyse | ||
Oct. Dedicatione Ecclesiae Octave of Dedication of Church |
12008100 | Analyse | ||
Oct. Joannis Evang. Octave of John the Evangelist |
Jan.3 | 02010300 | Analyse | |
Oct. Joannis, Pauli Octave of John and Paul |
Jul.3 | 14070320 | Analyse | |
Oct. Justinae, Cypr. Octave of Justina and Cyprian |
Oct.3 | 14100300 | Analyse | |
Oct. Marcel. Paris. Octave of Marcellus, Bishop of Paris |
Nov.10 | 14111000 | Analyse | |
Oct. Nat. Innocent. Octave of Holy Innocents |
Jan.4 | 02010400 | Analyse | |
Oct. Om. Sanctorum Octave of All Saints' Day |
Nov.8 | 14110810 | Analyse | |
Oct. Petri, Pauli |
Analyse | |||
Oct. Philippi,Jacobi Octave of Philip and James, Apostles |
May.8 | 14050830 | Analyse | |
Oct. Wenceslai Octave of Wenceslas |
Oct.5 | 14100520 |
Holweck, p.1032; |
Analyse |
Oct.Visitatio Mariae Octave of Visitation of Mary |
Jul.9 | 14070900 | Analyse | |
Octava Afrae Octave of Afra |
Aug.12 | 14081220 | Analyse | |
Octava Agapiti Octave of Agapitus |
Aug.25 | 14082520 | Analyse | |
Octava Agnetis Octave of Agnes |
Jan.28 | 14012800 | Analyse | |
Octava Amandi Octave of Amand |
Feb.13 | 14021310 | Analyse | |
Octava Andreae Octave of Andrew |
Dec.7 | 14120710 | Analyse | |
Octava Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Octave of Peter and Paul |
Jul.6 | 14070600 | Analyse | |
Octava Assumptionis Octave of Assumption of Mary |
Aug.22 | 14082210 | Analyse | |
Octava Augustini Octave of Augustine |
Sep.4 | 14090400 | Analyse | |
Octava Bartholomaei Octave of Bartholomew |
Aug.31 | 14083130 | Analyse | |
Octava Blasii Octave of Blaise |
Feb.10 | 14021010 | Analyse | |
Octava Concep.Mariae Octave of the Conception of Mary |
Dec.15 | 14121500 | Analyse | |
Octava Cyrici Octave of Cyricus |
Jun.23 | 14062310 | Analyse | |
Octava de Trinitate Octave of Trinity Sunday |
09021020 | Analyse | ||
Octava Dionysii Octave of Denis, Bishop of Paris |
Oct.16 | 14101610 | Analyse | |
Octava Edithae Octave of Edith of Wilton |
Sep.23 | 14092310 |
Holweck, p. 303; |
Analyse |
Octava Epiphaniae Octave of Epiphany |
Jan.13 | 05011300 | Analyse | |
Octava Floriani Octave of Florian |
May.11 | 14051120 | Analyse | |
Octava Galli Octave of Gall, Hermit |
Oct.23 | 14102320 | Analyse | |
Octava Gaugerici Octave of Gaugericus |
Aug.18 | 14081810 | Analyse | |
Octava Georgii Octave of George |
Apr.30 | 14043000 | Analyse | |
Octava Jacobi Octave of James the Greater |
Aug.1 | 14080110 | Analyse | |
Octava Joannis Bapt. Octave of John the Baptist |
Jul.1 | 14070100 | Analyse | |
Octava Lamberti Octave of Lambert |
Sep.24 | 14092410 | Analyse | |
Octava Laurentii Octave of Laurence |
Aug.17 | 14081700 | Analyse | |
Octava Ludgeri Octave of Ludger |
Apr.2 | 14040210 | Analyse | |
Octava Mariae Mag. Octave of Mary Magdalene |
Jul.29 | 14072910 | Analyse | |
Octava Martialis Octave of Martial |
Jul.6 | 14070630 | Analyse | |
Octava Martini Octave of Martin |
Nov.18 | 14111800 | Analyse | |
Octava Nat. Domini Octave of Christmas |
Jan.1 | 02010100 |
some manuscripts may have chants for the circumcision of Christ under this feast name (this should be edited); |
Analyse |
Octava Nat. Domini,8 In week after Octave of Christmas |
02010108 | Analyse | ||
Octava Nat. Mariae Octave of Birthday of Mary |
Sep.15 | 14091510 | Analyse | |
Octava Nicolai Octave of Nicholas |
Dec.13 | 14121320 | Analyse | |
Octava Paschae Octave of Easter (also "Dominica in Albis") |
08021000 | Analyse | ||
Octava Paschae,8 In 2nd week after Easter |
08021008 | Analyse | ||
Octava Pentecostes Octave of Pentecost |
08091000 | Analyse | ||
Octava Rel. Vedasti Octave of Return of Vaast's relics |
Jul.22 | 14072210 | Analyse | |
Octava Saturnini Octave of Saturninus |
Dec.6 | 14120610 | Analyse | |
Octava Servatii Octave of Servatius |
May.20 | 14052000 | Analyse | |
Octava Stephani Octave of Stephen |
Jan.2 | 02010200 | Analyse | |
Octava Thomae Cant. Octave of Thomas Becket, Bishop of Canterbury |
Jan.5 | 14010510 | Analyse | |
Octava Tr. Benedicti Octave of Benedict's Translation |
Jul.18 | 14071800 | Analyse | |
Octava Tr. Vedasti Octave of Vaast's Translation |
Oct.12 | 14101210 | Analyse | |
Octava Udalrici Octave of Ulric |
Jul.11 | 14071110 | Analyse | |
Octava Vedasti Octave of Vaast |
Feb.13 | 14021300 | Analyse | |
Octava Viti Octave of Vitus |
Jun.22 | 14062230 | Analyse | |
Odiliae Odilia (Ottilia), Abbess |
Dec.13 | 14121340 | Analyse | |
Officia votiva Votive Offices |
15009000 | Analyse | ||
Olavi Olaf of Norway, King and Martyr |
Jul.29 | 14072940 | Analyse | |
Omnium Sanctorum All Saints' Day |
Nov.1 | 14110100 | Analyse | |
Omnium Sanctorum,8 In week after All Saints' Day |
14110108 | Analyse | ||
Opilii Opilius, Deacon |
Oct.12 | 14101200 | Analyse | |
Opportunae Opportuna, Virgin and Abbess |
Apr.22 | 14042210 | Analyse | |
Orationis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi |
Analyse | |||
Ordin. Gregorii Ordination of Gregory |
Sep.3 | 14090310 | Analyse | |
Ordin. Gregorii,8 In week after Gregory's Ordination |
14090318 | Analyse | ||
Ordinatio Amandi Ordination of Amandus (Amand) |
Oct.26 | 14102600 | Analyse | |
Ordinatio Oswaldi Ordination of Oswald |
Jun.1 | 14060100 | Analyse | |
Ordinatio Zenonis Ordination of Zeno, Bishop of Verona |
Dec.8 | 14120820 |
Holweck, p.1048; |
Analyse |
Ordo ad consecrandum novum sepulcrum Rite for the consecration of a new sepulchre |
13005000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo ad corpus parvuli commendandum Rite for the commendation of the corpse of a child |
13006000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo ad induendum virginis Rite for the clothing of a virgin in a convent; related to the consecration rite. |
16053010 |
C.f. "Virgin" rites in Usuarium: https://usuarium.elte.hu/indexlabel/116/view |
Analyse | |
Ordo ad reconciliandum paenitentes Rite for reconciling with the penitents |
16038020 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo ad visitandum vel perunguendum infirmum Rite for the visiting or anointing of the sick |
16013010 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo celebrandus super eum qui ab spiritu inmundo vexatur Rite for someone possessed by an evil spirit |
16036000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo de energumeno Rite for a possessed person |
16041000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo de parvulo defuncto Rite for a dead child |
13010000 | Analyse | ||
Ordo de patribus et fratribus defunctis Rite for dead parents and siblings |
13012000 | Analyse | ||
Ordo in commendatione presbyteri Rite for the commendation of a presbyter |
13007000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo in finem hominis diei Last rites (including extreme unction) |
13004000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo quando rex cum exercitu ad prelium egreditur Rite when the king goes out to battle with his army |
16040000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo quando sal ante altare ponitur antequam exorcizetur Rite when the salt is placed before the altar for its exorcism |
16035000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo super eum qui barbam tangere cupit Rite for him who desires to anoint his beard |
16034000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo super sepulcrum quando clamore proclamatur Rite over the sepulchre when the clamor is proclaimed |
13008000 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Ordo votivo energumeno id est daemonia sustinens Votive ordo for a possessed person who is sustained by a demon |
16041010 |
Old-Hispanic |
Analyse | |
Orientii Orientius (Orens), Bishop |
May.1 | 14050120 | Analyse | |
Oswaldi, Epi. Oswald, Bishop of Worcester |
Feb.28 | 14022800 | Analyse | |
Oswaldi, Reg. Oswald, King of Northumbria |
Aug.5 | 14080510 | Analyse | |
Othmari Othmar (Audemar), Abbot |
Nov.16 | 14111600 | Analyse | |
Pancratii et sociorum Pancratius (Pancras) and companions, Martyrs |
May.12 | 14051210 |
Holweck, p. 767; |
Analyse |
Pantaleonis Pantaleon (Panteleimon), Martyr |
Jul.27 | 14072700 | Analyse | |
Pascha Annotinum Memorial of past year's Easter |
08020100 | Analyse | ||
Paschalis Baylon Pascual Baylón, Confessor |
May.17 | 14051720 |
Holweck, p. 773 (May 19); |
Analyse |
Passio Laurentiae Passion of Laurentia |
Aug.16 | 14081630 | Analyse | |
Passio Ragnulfi Passion of Ragnulf (Rainulf, Renon), Martyr, father of Hadulf (Bishop of Arras) |
Nov.9 | 14110950 | Analyse | |
Patriarcharum Abraham, Isaac and Jacob |
Oct.9 | 14100930 | Analyse | |
Patritii Episcopi, Confessoris |
Mar.17 | Analyse | ||
Paulae Paula, Widow |
Jan.26 | 14012610 | Analyse | |
Pauli Paul, Apostle |
Jun.30 | 14063000 | Analyse | |
Pauli a Cruce Confessoris |
Apr.28 | Analyse | ||
Pauli Heremitae Paul the Hermit |
Jan.10 | 14011010 | Analyse | |
Pauli,8 In week after Paul (Apostle) |
14063008 | Analyse | ||
Paulini Paulinus, Bishop of Trier |
Aug.31 | 14083110 | Analyse | |
Paulini Ebor. Paulinus, Archbishop of York |
Oct.10 | 14101010 | Analyse | |
Paulini Ebor.,8 In week after Paulinus of York |
14101018 | Analyse | ||
Paulini Nolansis Paulinus, Bishop of Nola |
Jun.22 | 14062200 | Analyse | |
Pelagii Pelagius, Martyr |
Aug.28 | 14082840 | Analyse | |
Perpetui Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours |
Dec.30 | 14123010 | Analyse | |
Petri Peter, Apostle |
Jun.29 | 14062910 | Analyse | |
Petri Alcantarae Peter of Alcantara, Founder |
Oct.19 | 14101920 | Analyse | |
Petri Alexandrini Ep. Mart. |
Nov.26 | Analyse | ||
Petri Caelestini Papae, Conf. |
May.19 | Analyse | ||
Petri Canisii Conf. et Eccl. Doct. |
Apr.27 | Analyse | ||
Petri Chrysologi Episc., Conf. Et Ecclesiae Doctoris |
Dec.4 | Analyse | ||
Petri Claver Confessoris |
Analyse | |||
Petri Damiani Episcopi, Conf., Ecclesiae Doctoris |
Feb.23 | Analyse | ||
Petri de Rates Peter de Rates, reputed first Bishop of Braga |
Apr.26 | 14042610 |
Holweck, p. 793; |
Analyse |
Petri de Tarentasia Peter II of Tarentaise, Archbishop |
May.8 | 14050820 |
Holweck, p. 793; |
Analyse |
Petri Gundisalvi Peter González, Dominican friar |
Apr.14 | 14041410 |
Holweck, p. 792; |
Analyse |
Petri Nolasci Confessoris |
Jan.28 | Analyse | ||
Petri Regalati Peter Regalado, Franciscan friar |
May.13 | 14051330 |
Holweck, p. 793; |
Analyse |
Petri, Mart. Peter the Martyr, Dominican Friar and Priest |
Apr.29 | 14042900 | Analyse | |
Petri, Pauli Peter and Paul, Apostles |
Jun.29 | 14062900 | Analyse | |
Petri, Pauli,8 In week after Peter and Paul |
14062908 | Analyse | ||
Petri,8 In week after Peter (Apostle) |
14062918 | Analyse | ||
Petronillae Petronilla, Virgin |
May.31 | 14053110 | Analyse | |
Philiberti Philibert, Abbot |
Aug.20 | 14082000 | Analyse | |
Philippi Benitii Philip Benitius (Filippo Benizzi), Confessor |
Aug.23 | 14082310 |
Holweck, p.812; |
Analyse |
Philippi Nerii Philip Neri, Confessor, Apostle of Rome and founder of the "Oratory" |
May.26 | 14052620 |
Holweck, p.811; |
Analyse |
Philippi, Jacobi Philip and James the Lesser, Apostles |
May.1 | 14050100 |
Holweck, pp.810-11; |
Analyse |
Philippi, Jacobi,8 In week after Philip and James |
14050108 | Analyse | ||
Photini Episc. et soc. Photinus (Pothinus), First Bishop of Lyons |
Jun.2 | 14060210 |
Holweck, p. 816; |
Analyse |
Piati Piatus of Tournai (Piat de Seclin, Piaton, Platon, Piato), Martyr |
Oct.1 | 14100130 |
Holweck, p. 817; |
Analyse |
Pii I Papae, Martyris |
Jul.11 | Analyse | ||
Pii V Papae, Confessoris |
May.5 | Analyse | ||
Pii X Papae et Confessoris |
Sep.3 | Analyse | ||
Pirmini Pirminus, Abbot and Bishop |
Nov.3 | 14110300 | Analyse | |
Placidi et sociorum Placidus and companions, Martyrs (Placidus, Eutychius, Victorinus, Flavia, and 30 companions) |
Oct.5 | 14100510 |
Holweck, p. 820; |
Analyse |
Polycarpi Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr |
Jan.26 | 14012600 | Analyse | |
Pontiani Pontianus, Martyr at Spoleto |
Jan.14 | 14011420 | Analyse | |
Pontiani, Pont. Pontianus, Pope and Martyr |
Nov.19 | 14111910 |
Pope from 230-35; Holweck, p. 824; |
Analyse |
Pontii Pontius, Martyr |
May.14 | 14051400 | Analyse | |
Potentianae virginis Potentiana, Virgin (sepulchre found at Villanueva, Spain) |
Apr.17 | 14041700 |
Holweck, p. 827; |
Analyse |
Praejecti Praejectus (Prix), Bishop Martyr |
Jan.25 | 14012510 | Analyse | |
Praesentatio Mariae Presentation of Mary |
Nov.21 | 14112100 | Analyse | |
Praxedis Praxedes, Virgin |
Jul.21 | 14072100 | Analyse | |
Pretiosissimi Sanguinis Feast of the Most Precious Blood (of Jesus Christ) |
Jul.1 | 14070110 |
celebrated in Spain in the 16th century; at one time on the first Sunday after Jun.30; |
Analyse |
Primi, Feliciani Primus and Felician, Martyrs |
Jun.9 | 14060900 | Analyse | |
Priscae Prisca, Virgin Martyr |
Jan.18 | 14011800 | Analyse | |
Prisci Priscus, Bishop of Capua |
Sep.1 | 14090120 | Analyse | |
Pro adversitate ecclesiae Chants for the adversity of the church (Votive Mass) |
16052000 | Analyse | ||
Pro amico Chants for the friend |
16029000 | Analyse | ||
Pro Archiepiscopo Chants for the Archbishop |
16028010 | Analyse | ||
Pro baptismo Chants for baptism |
16032000 | Analyse | ||
Pro consecratione crucis Chants for the consecration of the cross |
16048010 | Analyse | ||
Pro conversis Chants for the converted men and women |
16037000 |
Old-Hispanic ("Ordo conversorum conversarumque") |
Analyse | |
Pro Dagoberto rege def. |
Analyse | |||
Pro defunctis For the dead |
13001000 | Analyse | ||
Pro defunctis Episcopis For the death of Bishops |
13003000 | Analyse | ||
Pro defunctis Sacerdotibus For the death of priests |
13011000 | Analyse | ||
Pro familiaribus Chants for family members |
16044000 | Analyse | ||
Pro febribus Chants for fever |
16031000 | Analyse | ||
Pro Gratiarum Actione |
Analyse | |||
Pro infirmis Chants for many who are sick |
16013030 | Analyse | ||
Pro iter agentibus Chants for travellers, pilgrims |
16030000 | Analyse | ||
Pro nec Virgine nec Martyre |
Analyse | |||
Pro omni populo christiano Chants for all the Christian people |
16043000 | Analyse | ||
Pro ordinatione clerici Chants for the ordination of a cleric |
16033000 |
Old-Hispanic "Ordo ad ordinandum clericum"; Gregorian "Ordo ad clericum faciendum"; |
Analyse | |
Pro ordinatione Episcopi Chants for the ordination of a bishop |
16033010 | Analyse | ||
Pro ordinatione Episcoporum Chants for the ordination of several bishops |
16033020 | Analyse | ||
Pro pace Chants for peace |
16019010 | Analyse | ||
Pro pace regni Chants for the peace of the realm and the church |
16019000 | Analyse | ||
Pro paenitente Rite for repenting (not specifically for one or several penitents) |
16038000 | Analyse | ||
Pro paenitentibus Chants for several pentitents |
16038030 | Analyse | ||
Pro pluvia Chants for rain |
16020000 | Analyse | ||
Pro quacumque necessitate For all needs |
16050000 | Analyse | ||
Pro reconciliatione ecclesiae Chants for the restoration of churches and sacred places |
16047000 | Analyse | ||
Pro remissione peccatorum Chants for forgiveness |
16045000 | Analyse | ||
Pro Sacerdote Chants for the Priest |
16028000 | Analyse | ||
Pro salute vivorum Chants for the health of the living |
16027000 | Analyse | ||
Pro serenitate Chants for serenity |
16042000 | Analyse | ||
Pro sponso et sponsa Chants for the bride and groom |
16044000 | Analyse | ||
Pro stabilitate loci For stability of place |
16049000 | Analyse | ||
Pro tribulatione Chants for distress |
16026000 | Analyse | ||
Pro uno infirmo Chants for one who is sick |
16013020 | Analyse | ||
Pro uno paenitente Chants for one penitent |
16038010 | Analyse | ||
Pro Virgine tantum |
Analyse | |||
Probi, Tarachi Probus and Tarachus, Martyrs |
Oct.11 | 14101110 | Analyse | |
Processi, Martiniani Processus and Martinian, Martyrs |
Jul.2 | 14070210 | Analyse | |
Procopii megalomartyris |
Analyse | |||
Procopii Sázaviensis Procopius of Sázava, Abbot, Confessor, canonized 1204 |
Jul.4 | 14070430 |
Holweck, p. 832; |
Analyse |
Prosperi Prosper, Confessor, Bishop of Reggio in Emilia |
Jun.25 | 14062520 | Analyse | |
Proti, Hiacinthi Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs |
Sep.11 | 14091100 | Analyse | |
Pudentianae, Pudentis Pudentiana and Pudens, Martyrs; Pudentiana (Potentiana), a Roman Virgin, and Pudens (Quintus Cornelius Pudens), a Roman senator and said to be the father of Praxedis, Pudentiana, Novatus, and Timotheus, husband of Priscilla |
May.19 | 14051910 |
Holweck, p. 838; |
Analyse |
Purificatio Mariae Purification of Mary (Candlemas) |
Feb.2 | 14020200 | Analyse | |
Purificatio Mariae TP Purification of Mary, Eastertide |
14020280 | Analyse | ||
Purificatio Mariae, Vigilia Eve of Purification of Mary |
Feb.1 | 14020130 | Analyse | |
Purificatio Mariae,8 In week after Purification of Mary |
14020208 | Analyse | ||
Purissimi cordis de BMV Most pure heart of Mary |
Jul.9 | 14070930 |
l'Antiphonale Solesmense 1935, p. 1031; |
Analyse |
Puritatis B. Mariae Virginis. Die 16 Octobris |
Analyse | |||
Q.T. Adventus Ember Days, Advent |
01030009 | Analyse | ||
Q.T. Quadragesimae Ember Days, Lent |
07010009 | Analyse | ||
Quadrag. Martyrorum Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Mar.9 | 14030900 | Analyse | |
Quattuor Coronatorum The Four Crowned Martyrs |
Nov.8 | 14110800 | Analyse | |
Quattuor Virginum Euphemia, Dorothea, Thecla, and Erasma, Virgin Martyrs |
Sep.19 | 14091920 | Analyse | |
Quinque fratrum Five Brothers (Christian, Benedict, John, Matthew, Isaac; Camaldolese order) |
Nov.12 | 14111230 |
Holweck, pp.148, 209; Grotefend; |
Analyse |
Quintini Quintinus (Quentin), Martyr |
Oct.31 | 14103100 | Analyse | |
Quirini Quirinus, Bishop of Siscia (Sissek) |
Jun.4 | 14060410 |
Holweck, p. 843; |
Analyse |
Radegundis Radegund, Matron |
Aug.13 | 14081310 | Analyse | |
Ragenfredis Ragenfredis, Canoness |
Oct.8 | 14100800 | Analyse | |
Ragnulfi Ragnulf (Rainulf, Renon), Martyr, father of Hadulf (Bishop of Arras) |
May.27 | 14052700 |
Holweck, p. 846; In F-AS 893, there is a second feast for Ragnulph in November between Quattuor Coronatorum (Nov. 8) and Martin (Nov. 11) identified in the rubric as "Passio sci ranulphi". |
Analyse |
Raphaelis, Archang. Raphael the Archangel |
Oct.24 | 14102410 | Analyse | |
Raymundi de Pennafort Confessoris |
Jan.23 | Analyse | ||
Raymundi Nonnati Confessoris |
Aug.31 | Analyse | ||
Recollectio Mariae Recollection of Feasts of Mary |
15081520 | Analyse | ||
Reginae Mariae The Queenship of Mary |
May.31 | 14053130 | Analyse | |
Reguli Silvanecti Regulus of Senlis (Rieule), Confessor, Bishop of Senlis |
Apr.30 | 14043040 |
Holweck, p. 851; |
Analyse |
Reguli Silvanecti, transl. Moving of Regulus of Senlis's relics |
Mar.30 | 14033000 |
Holweck, p. 851; |
Analyse |
Relatio Martini Return of Martin's relics |
Dec.14 | 14121410 | Analyse | |
Relatio Vedasti Return of Vaast's relics |
Jul.15 | 14071500 | Analyse | |
Relatio Vedasti,8 In week after Return of Vaast |
14071508 | Analyse | ||
Reliquiarum Feast of Relics |
Sep.15 | 14091500 | Analyse | |
Reliquiarum,8 In week after Feast of Relics |
14091508 | Analyse | ||
Remacli Remaclus, Bishop |
Sep.3 | 14090300 | Analyse | |
Remigii Remigius (Remi), Bishop of Reims |
Oct.1 | 14100100 | Analyse | |
Remigii, Hilarii Remigius, Bishop of Reims, Confessor & Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Doctor |
Jan.14 | 14011440 |
LOCAL (Reims) feastdate for Remigius (see Oct.1) |
Analyse |
Richarii Richarius (Riquier), Abbot |
Oct.9 | 14100920 | Analyse | |
Rictrudis Rictrudis, Widow |
May.12 | 14051200 | Analyse | |
Ritae a Cassia, Viduae. Die 22 Maii |
Analyse | |||
Roberti Robert of Molesmes, Abbot |
Apr.29 | 14042910 | Analyse | |
Roberti Bellarmino Episcopi, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris |
May.13 | Analyse | ||
Rocho Rochus (Roche, Roch), Confessor |
Aug.16 | 14081640 | Analyse | |
Romani Romanus, Martyr |
Aug.9 | 14080900 | Analyse | |
Romani Antiochiae Romanus of Antioch, Martyr |
Nov.18 | 14111810 | Analyse | |
Romualdi Abbatis |
Feb.7 | Analyse | ||
Rosae a S. Maria Virginis Limanae |
Aug.30 | Analyse | ||
Rosae Limanae Virginis. Die 30 Augusti |
Analyse | |||
Rufi Rufus, Bishop |
Aug.28 | 14082820 | Analyse | |
Rufinae, Secundae Rufina and Secunda, Virgin Martyrs |
Jul.10 | 14071010 | Analyse | |
Ruperti Bingensis Rupert of Bingen, Confessor |
May.15 | 14051510 |
Holweck, p.873; |
Analyse |
Ruperti Salisburgii Rupert (Rubert) of Salzburg, Bishop |
Mar.27 | 14032700 |
Holweck, p.873; |
Analyse |
Rustici et Eleutherii Martyrum |
Oct.9 | Analyse | ||
S. Ritae a Cassia, Viduae. Die 22 Maii |
Analyse | |||
Sabae Sabas, Abbot |
Dec.5 | 14120500 | Analyse | |
Sabb. Adventus Saturdays in Advent |
01007000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Cor. Christi Saturday after Corpus Christi |
09017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. de Passione Saturday, 5th week, Lent |
07057000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 1 Quad. Saturday, 1st week, Lent |
07017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 2 p. Ep. Saturday, 2nd week after Epiphany |
05027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 2 Quad. Saturday, 2nd week, Lent |
07027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 3 p. Ep. Saturday, 3rd week after Epiphany |
05037000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 3 Quad. Saturday, 3rd week, Lent |
07037000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 4 p. Ep. Saturday, 4th week after Epiphany |
05047000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 4 Quad. Saturday, 4th week, Lent |
07047000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Hebd. 5 p.Ep. Saturday, 5th week after Epiphany |
05057000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. in Pent. 17 Saturday in the 17th week after Pentecost |
09167000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. p. Dom. 1 p. Pent. Saturday in the 2nd week after Pentecost |
09017010 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. p. Epiphaniam Saturday, 1st week after Epiphany |
05017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. p. Nat. Dom. Saturday after Christmas |
03027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. p. Oct. Asc. Saturday, after the Octave of Ascension |
08077100 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. p. Oct. Pasch. Saturday, 2nd week after Easter |
08027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. post Ascensionem Saturday after Ascension |
08067000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Quadragesimae Saturdays in Lent |
07007000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Septuagesimae Septuagesima Saturday |
06017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb. Sexagesimae Sexagesima Saturday |
06027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabb.p.Oct.Cor.Chri. Saturday after Octave of Corpus Christi |
09027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato 3 p. Pascha Saturday, 3rd week after Easter |
08037000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato 4 p. Pascha Saturday, 4th week after Easter |
08047000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato 5 p. Pascha Saturday, 5th week after Easter |
08057000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Hebd. 1 Adv. Saturday, 1st week, Advent |
01017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Hebd. 2 Adv. Saturday, 2nd week, Advent |
01027000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Hebd. 3 Adv. Saturday, 3rd week, Advent |
01037000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Hebd. 4 Adv. Saturday, 4th week, Advent |
01047000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato in Albis Easter Saturday (Saturday after Easter) |
08017000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato in estate Saturdays in summer |
10007000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Pent. Pentecost Saturday |
08087000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato per annum Saturdays, Ferial Office |
04007000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato post Cineres Saturday after Ash Wednesday |
06037000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Q.T. Adventus Ember Day, Advent (Saturday) |
01037009 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Q.T. Pent. Ember Day, Pentecost (Saturday) |
08087009 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Q.T. Sept. Ember Day, September (Saturday) |
11090709 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato Sancto Holy Saturday |
07067000 | Analyse | ||
Sabbato TP Saturdays, Eastertide |
08007000 | Analyse | ||
Sabinae Sabina, Martyr |
Aug.29 | 14082910 | Analyse | |
Sabini Sabinus, Bishop of Piacenza |
Jan.17 | 14011710 | Analyse | |
Sabiniani, Potentiani Sabinianus (Savinien) and Potentianus (Potentien), Bishops of Sens |
Oct.19 | 14101930 |
Holweck, p. 877; |
Analyse |
Sacrarum Reliquiarum. Die 5 Novembris |
Analyse | |||
Sacratissimae Sindonis D. N. J. C. Feria VI post Dom. II Quadragesimae |
Analyse | |||
Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on Friday after the second Sunday after Pentecost |
09026010 | Analyse | ||
Salvii Salvius, Bishop of Albi |
Sep.10 | 14091020 | Analyse | |
Samsonis Samson, Bishop of Dol |
Jul.28 | 14072810 | Analyse | |
Sanctae familiae Jesu, Mariae, Joseph The Holy Family |
05011020 |
Celebrated locally from the 17th century; in the 1908 Vatican Gradual on the third Sunday after Epiphany; after 1921 on the Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany; after 1969 on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. (Thank you to Greg Smisek for prompting the addition of this feast to the database.) |
Analyse | |
Sanctissimi Nominis BMV The Most Holy Name of Mary |
Sep.12 | 14091200 |
found in sources dating from the late-17th century after the Battle of Vienna in 1683, at which John III Sobieski's army invoked the name of Mary as a means of achieving victory |
Analyse |
Sanctissimi Redemptoris. Die 23 Octobris |
Analyse | |||
Sanctorum Angelorum Custodum |
Oct.2 | Analyse | ||
Sanctorum Quinque Martyrum Ordinis Minorum Five Martyrs of Morocco |
Jan.16 | 14011630 | Analyse | |
Saturnini Saturninus, Martyr Bishop of Toulouse |
Nov.29 | 14112900 | Analyse | |
Savinianus, Potentianus Savinianus, Potentianus, Sociorum Martyrum |
Analyse | |||
Scholasticae Scholastica, Virgin |
Feb.10 | 14021000 | Analyse | |
Sept. Dorm. Eph. Seven Sleepers of Ephesus |
Jul.27 | 14072710 | Analyse | |
Septem Dolorum BMV The Seven Sorrows of Mary |
Sep.15 | 14091550 | Analyse | |
Septem Fratrum Seven Brothers, Martyrs |
Jul.10 | 14071000 | Analyse | |
Septem Fundatorum Ord. Serv. B. M. V. |
Feb.12 | Analyse | ||
Sereni Serenus, Confessor |
Oct.2 | 14100210 | Analyse | |
Sergii, Bacchi Sergius and Bacchus, Martyrs |
Oct.8 | 14100820 | Analyse | |
Servatii Servais (Servatius), Bishop of Tongres |
May.13 | 14051300 | Analyse | |
Severi, Epi. Severus, Bishop |
Oct.22 | 14102200 | Analyse | |
Severini Severinus, Monk, Teacher of St. Cloud |
Nov.24 | 14112410 | Analyse | |
Severini, Apost. Severinus, "Apostle" of Noricum |
Jan.5 | 14010530 | Analyse | |
Severini, Epi. Severinus, Confessor and Bishop of Cologne |
Oct.23 | 14102300 | Analyse | |
Sigfridi Sigfrid, Bishop of Wexiow and Confessor |
Feb.15 | 14021510 | Analyse | |
Sigismundi Sigismund, King of Burgundy, Martyr |
May.1 | 14050140 | Analyse | |
Silverii Papae, Martyris |
Jun.20 | Analyse | ||
Silvestri Silvester I, Pope |
Dec.31 | 14123100 | Analyse | |
Silvestri Abbatis |
Nov.26 | Analyse | ||
Simeonis Episcopi, Martyris |
Feb.18 | Analyse | ||
Simeonis Stylitae Simeon the Stylite |
Jan.5 | 14010500 | Analyse | |
Simonis, Judae Simon, Jude (Thaddeus), Apostles |
Oct.28 | 14102800 | Analyse | |
Simperti Simpert (Sintbert), Abbot of Murbach and Bishop of Augsburg |
Oct.13 | 14101350 | Analyse | |
Simplicii et sociorum Simplicius and companions, Martyrs |
Jul.29 | 14072920 | Analyse | |
Sixti et sociorum Sixtus and companions, Martyrs |
Aug.6 | 14080610 | Analyse | |
Sophiae viduae Sophia, widow |
Jan.16 | 14011620 |
Holweck, p. 927; |
Analyse |
Soteris et Caii Pontif., Martyrum |
Apr.22 | Analyse | ||
Speusippi Speusippus and Meleusippus, Martyrs |
Jan.17 | 14011720 | Analyse | |
Spinea Corona D. N. J. C. Feria VI post Cineres |
Analyse | |||
Ss. Lanceae et Clavorum D. N. J. C. Feria VI post Dominicam I Quadragesimae |
Analyse | |||
Stanislai Stanislaus, Bishop of Krakow |
May.7 | 14050710 | Analyse | |
Stanislai Episcopi, Martyris |
May.7 | Analyse | ||
Stanislai Kostkae Confessoris |
Analyse | |||
Stephani Stephen the First Martyr |
Dec.26 | 02122600 | Analyse | |
Stephani Abbatis Stephen Harding, third Abbot of Citeaux, founder of the Cistercian Order |
Apr.17 | 14041710 |
Holweck, p. 933; |
Analyse |
Stephani, Pont. Stephen I, Pope |
Aug.2 | 14080200 | Analyse | |
Stephani, Reg. Stephen I, King and Apostle of Hungary |
Aug.20 | 14082030 |
Hungarian King (Holweck, p. 934) |
Analyse |
Stephani,8 In week after Stephen |
02122608 | Analyse | ||
Stig. Francisci The Stigmata of Francis |
Sep.17 | 14091710 | Analyse | |
Subventio Martini Hiding of Martin's relics |
May.12 | 14051220 | Analyse | |
Suff. Adalberti Memorial chants for Adalbert |
15042310 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Afrae Memorial chants for Afra |
15080500 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Agnetis Memorial chants for Agnes |
15012100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Annae Memorial chants for Anne |
15072600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Annae TP Memorial chants for Anne, Eastertide |
15072680 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Apostolorum Memorial chants for Apostles |
15004000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Benedicti Memorial chants for Benedict |
15032100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Caeciliae Memorial chants for Cecilia |
15112200 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Confessorum Memorial chants for Confessors |
15005000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Corporis Christi Memorial chants for Corpus Christi |
15915000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Crucis Memorial chants for the Holy Cross |
15050300 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Crucis TP Memorial chants for the Holy Cross, Eastertide |
15050380 | Analyse | ||
Suff. David Memorial chants for David |
15030100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Exalt. Crucis Memorial chants for the Exaltation of the Cross |
15091400 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Francisci Memorial chants for Francis |
15100400 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Genovefae Memorial chants for Genevieve |
15010300 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Georgii Memorial chants for George |
15042300 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Hermagorae Memorial chants for Hermagoras |
15071200 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Jo. Bapt. Adv. Memorial chants for John the Baptist, Advent |
15062410 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Jo. Bapt. Nat. Memorial chants for John the Baptist, Christmas |
15062430 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Jo. Bapt. TP Memorial chants for John the Baptist, Eastertide |
15062480 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Joannis Bapt. Memorial chants for John the Baptist |
15062400 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Joannis Evang. Memorial chants for John the Evangelist |
15122700 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Justinae Memorial chants for Justina |
15092600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Justinae TP Memorial chants for Justina, Eastertide |
15092680 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Lamberti Memorial chants for Lambert |
15091700 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Laurentii Memorial chants for Laurence |
15081000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Ludgeri Memorial chants for Ludger |
15032600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Ludmilae Memorial chants for Ludmila |
15091630 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Marcelli Par. Memorial chants for Marcellus of Paris |
15110300 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mariae Memorial chants for Mary |
15081500 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mariae Adv. Memorial chants for Mary, Advent |
15081510 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mariae Mag. Memorial chants for Mary Magdalene |
15072200 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mariae Nat. Memorial chants for Mary, Christmas |
15081530 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mariae TP Memorial chants for Mary, Eastertide |
15081580 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Martini Memorial chants for Martin of Tours |
15111100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Martyrorum Memorial chants for Martyrs |
15007000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Mauritii Memorial chants for Maurice |
15092200 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Michaelis Memorial chants for Michael |
15092900 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Nicolai Memorial chants for Nicholas |
15120600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Om. Sanct. Adv Memorial chants for All Saints, Advent |
15110110 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Om. Sanct. Nat Memorial chants for All Saints, Christmas |
15110130 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Om. Sanct. TP Memorial chants for All Saints, Eastertide |
15110180 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Om. Sanctorum Memorial chants for All Saints |
15110100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Ordinis Carmelitarum Suffrages for the Order of Carmelites |
12017000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Oswaldi,Wulst. Memorial chants for Oswald (Feb.28) and Wulfstan (Jan.19), Bishops of Worcester |
15022800 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Paschae Memorial chants for Easter |
15811000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Pauli Memorial chants for Paul |
15063000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Perpetuae, Felicitatis Memorial Chants for Perpetua and Felicity |
15030710 |
formerly feastcode "15030600" |
Analyse | |
Suff. Petri Memorial chants for Peter |
15062910 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Petri, Pauli Memorial chants for Peter and Paul |
15062900 | Analyse | ||
Suff. pro Pace Memorial chants for peace |
15001000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. pro Pace TP Memorial chants for peace, Eastertide |
15001080 | Analyse | ||
Suff. pro paenitente Memorial chants for penitence |
15003000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Reliquiarum Memorial chants for Relics |
15120400 | Analyse | ||
Suff. S. Mariae |
Analyse | |||
Suff. Stephani Memorial chants for Stephen |
15122600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Thomae Apost. Memorial Chants for Thomas the Apostle |
15122100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Udalrici Memorial chants for Ulric |
15070400 | Analyse | ||
Suff. un. Mart. TP Memorial chants for one Martyr, Eastertide |
15006080 | Analyse | ||
Suff. unius Conf. Memorial chants for one Confessor |
15005100 | Analyse | ||
Suff. unius Mart. Memorial chants for one Martyr |
15006000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Vedasti Memorial chants for Vaast |
15020600 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Virginum Memorial chants for Virgins |
15010000 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Walburgae Memorial chants for Walburga |
15022500 | Analyse | ||
Suff. Wenceslai Memorial chants for Wenceslas |
15092800 | Analyse | ||
Sulpicii Severi Sulpicius Severus, Bishop of Bourges |
Jan.29 | 14012910 | Analyse | |
Sulpitii, Serviliani Sulpitius (Sulpitianus, Simplicius) and Servilianus, Martyrs |
Apr.20 | 14042000 | Analyse | |
Suscept. Reliquiarum Feast of Relics (Notre Dame, Paris) |
Dec.4 | 14120410 | Analyse | |
Swithuni Swithun, Bishop of Winchester |
Jul.15 | 14071520 | Analyse | |
Symphoriani Symphorian (and Timothy), Martyrs |
Aug.22 | 14082200 | Analyse | |
Symphorosae cum septem Filiis Mart. |
Jul.18 | Analyse | ||
Syri Syrus |
Dec.9 | 14120900 | Analyse | |
Taurini Taurinus, Bishop of Evreux |
Aug.11 | 14081130 | Analyse | |
Teresiae Avilensis Teresa (Teresia), Virgin, reformer of the Carmelite Order and ascetical write (canonized in 1622) |
Oct.15 | 14101500 |
Holweck, pp. 949-950; |
Analyse |
Teresiae Virginis |
Oct.15 | Analyse | ||
Tertullini Tertullinus, Martyr |
Aug.4 | 14080400 | Analyse | |
Theclae Thecla of Iconium, Virgin Martyr |
Sep.23 | 14092300 | Analyse | |
Theodardi Martyr, Bishop of Maestricht |
Sep.10 | 14091010 |
Holweck, p. 957; Grotefend; |
Analyse |
Theodori Tiro Theodore Tiro, Martyr |
Nov.9 | 14110910 | Analyse | |
Theotonii Theotonius, priest and prior (Santa Cruz, Coimbra) |
Feb.18 |
Holweck, p. 973. |
Analyse | |
Theresiae a Jesu Infante Virginis |
Oct.3 | Analyse | ||
Thomae Apost. Thomas, Apostle |
Dec.21 | 14122100 | Analyse | |
Thomae Cant. Thomas Becket, Bishop of Canterbury |
Dec.29 | 14122900 | Analyse | |
Thomae Cant.,8 In week after Thomas Becket |
14122908 | Analyse | ||
Thomae de Aquino Thomas of Aquino, Doctor of the Church |
Mar.7 | 14030700 |
Holweck, p. 975; |
Analyse |
Thomae de Villanova Episcopi et Confessoris |
Sep.22 | Analyse | ||
Tiburtii (filius Chromatii) Tiburtius (son of Chromatius in Rome), Martyr |
Aug.11 | 14081140 |
Holweck, p. 982; |
Analyse |
Tiburtii, Susannae Tiburtius and Susanna, Martyrs |
Aug.11 | 14081100 | Analyse | |
Tiburtii, Valeriani, Maximi Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus, Martyrs |
Apr.14 | 14041400 |
Holweck, p. 982; |
Analyse |
Timothei Timothy, Disciple of Paul, Bishop |
Jan.24 | 14012400 | Analyse | |
Timothei, Apollinaris Timothy and Apollinaris, Martyrs |
Aug.23 | 14082300 | Analyse | |
Titi Episcopi, Confessoris |
Feb.6 | Analyse | ||
Tr. Christophori Moving of Christopher's relics |
?? | 17002000 |
Find this date! (Arras 465) |
Analyse |
Tr. Germani, Juliani Moving of Germanus, Julianus relics |
Jul.25 | 14072520 | Analyse | |
Tr. Kunegundis Moving of Cunegund's relics |
Sep.9 | 14090910 | Analyse | |
Tr. Marcelli Paris. Moving of relics of Marcellus (Paris) |
Jul.26 | 14072600 | Analyse | |
Transfiguratio Dom. Transfiguration of Jesus |
Aug.6 | 14080600 | Analyse | |
Transl. Adalberti Moving of Adalbert (of Prague)'s relics |
Nov.6 | 14110620 | Analyse | |
Transl. Aichardi Moving of Aichardus's relics |
Jun.17 | 14061700 | Analyse | |
Transl. Augustini Moving of Augustine's relics |
Oct.11 | 14101120 | Analyse | |
Transl. Baboleni Moving of Babolenus' relics |
Dec.7 | 14120720 | Analyse | |
Transl. Bartholomaei Moving of Bartholomew's relics to Lipari |
Feb.13 | 14021320 |
Holweck, p.135; |
Analyse |
Transl. Benedicti Moving of Benedict's relics |
Jul.11 | 14071100 | Analyse | |
Transl. Benedicti,8 In week after Benedict's Translation |
14071108 | Analyse | ||
Transl. Candidi Moving of Candidus's relics (Martyr, at Innichen) |
Aug.24 | 14082420 |
Holweck, p.187; feast at Innichen |
Analyse |
Transl. Clarae The moving of Clare's relics |
Oct.3 | 14100340 |
Holweck, p. 214; |
Analyse |
Transl. Cuthberti Moving of Cuthbert's relics |
Sep.4 | 14090410 | Analyse | |
Transl. Dominici Moving of Dominic's relics |
May.24 | 14052400 |
Holweck, p. 286; |
Analyse |
Transl. Edithae Moving of relics of Edith of Wilton |
Nov.3 | 14110350 |
Holweck, p. 303; |
Analyse |
Transl. Egwini Moving of Egwin's relics |
Sep.8 | 14090810 | Analyse | |
Transl. Eligii Moving of Eligius's relics |
Jun.25 | 14062500 | Analyse | |
Transl. Eustachii Moving of relics of Eustachius (Eustasius, Eustace), Martyr |
Nov.3 | 14110340 |
Holweck, p. 347; |
Analyse |
Transl. Francisci The moving of Francis's relics |
May.25 | 14052530 |
Holweck, pp. 398-399; |
Analyse |
Transl. Gerardi Moving of Gerard Sagredo's relics |
Feb.24 | 14022410 |
"Zeitrechnung des Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit von Dr. H. Grotefend" (http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/gaeste/grotefend/grotefend.htm), accessed 6 July 2006; |
Analyse |
Transl. Gudulae Moving of Gudula's relics |
Jul.6 | 14070620 | Analyse | |
Transl. Hadulfi Moving of Hadulf's relics |
Aug.31 | 14083100 | Analyse | |
Transl. Hieronimi Moving of Jerome's relics |
May.9 | Analyse | ||
Transl. Hugonis Moving of Hugo's relics |
Jan.19 | 14011910 | Analyse | |
Transl. Jacobi Translation of James the Greater |
Dec.30 | 14123020 |
Holweck, p.518; |
Analyse |
Transl. Januarii Moving of Januarius of Benevento's relics |
Oct.23 | 14102310 | Analyse | |
Transl. Justae Moving of Justa's relics |
Jul.9 | 14070910 | Analyse | |
Transl. Justinae Moving of Justina's relics |
Aug.17 | 14081710 | Analyse | |
Transl. Karoli Magni Moving of Charlemagne's relics |
Jul.27 | 14072720 | Analyse | |
Transl. Lamberti Moving of Lambert's relics |
Apr.28 | 14042820 | Analyse | |
Transl. Lebuini Moving of Liafwin's relics |
Jun.25 | 14062510 | Analyse | |
Transl. Ludgeri Moving of Ludger's relics |
Oct.3 | 14100320 |
in Muenster |
Analyse |
Transl. Ludmilae Moving of Ludmila's relics |
Nov.10 | 14111020 |
Holweck, p.624; |
Analyse |
Transl. Martini Moving of Martin's relics |
Jul.4 | 14070400 | Analyse | |
Transl. Mauritii Moving of Maurice's relics |
May.12 | 14051230 | Analyse | |
Transl. Nicolai Moving of Nicholas's relics |
May.9 | 14050900 |
Holweck, p. 741; |
Analyse |
Transl. Oswaldi Moving of Oswald's relics |
Oct.8 | 14100830 | Analyse | |
Transl. Oswaldi,8 In week after Oswald's Translation |
14100838 | Analyse | ||
Transl. Patrocli Moving of Patroclus' relics (Muenster) |
Dec.9 | 14120901 | Analyse | |
Transl. Petri Alcan. Moving of Peter of Alcantara's Relics |
Apr.28 | 14042810 | Analyse | |
Transl. Ruperti Salisburgii Moving of Rupert of Salzburg's relics |
Sep.24 | 14092420 |
Holweck, p.873; |
Analyse |
Transl. Servatii Moving of Servatius's relics |
Jul.7 | 14070720 | Analyse | |
Transl. Simperti Moving of Simpert's relics |
?? | 17003000 |
Find this date! (Augsburg/Munich 4305 - between May 1 and May 3?) |
Analyse |
Transl. Stanislai Moving of Stanislaus's relics (Bishop of Krakow) |
Sep.27 | 14092710 | Analyse | |
Transl. Stephani Moving of Stephen's rellics |
May.7 | 14050700 | Analyse | |
Transl. Syri Moving of Syrus's relics |
May.17 | 14051700 | Analyse | |
Transl. Thomae Apost. Moving of Thomas the Apostle's relics |
Jul.3 | 14070300 |
Holweck, p.977; |
Analyse |
Transl. Thomae Cant. Moving of Thomas Becket's Relics |
Jul.7 | 14070710 | Analyse | |
Transl. Trium Regum Moving of relics of the Three Kings (the Magi) to Cologne in the 12th Century |
Jul.23 | 14072330 | Analyse | |
Transl. Udalrici Moving of Ulric's relics |
May.14 | 14051410 | Analyse | |
Transl. Valentini Epi. Translation of Valentinus's relics |
Aug.4 | 14080420 |
Grotefend; Holweck, p.1002; |
Analyse |
Transl. Vedasti Moving of Vaast's relics |
Oct.5 | 14100500 | Analyse | |
Transl. Vedasti,8 In week after Vaast's Translation |
14100508 | Analyse | ||
Transl. Walburgae Moving of Walburga's relics |
May.1 | 14050150 | Analyse | |
Transl. Wenceslai Moving of Wenceslas's relics |
Mar.4 | 14030400 |
Holweck, p.1032; |
Analyse |
Transl. Wolfgangi Moving of Wolfgang's relics |
Oct.7 | 14100720 | Analyse | |
Transl. Wulstani Moving of Wulfstan's relics |
Jun.7 | 14060700 | Analyse | |
Translatio Wigberti Moving of Wigbert's relics |
May.15 | 14051520 |
Holweck, p. 1033; |
Analyse |
Translationis Almae Domus B. M. V. |
Analyse | |||
Tres Mariae Mary, Mary Cleophae, Mary Salome |
May.25 | 14052520 | Analyse | |
Triumphi Sanctae Crucis apud Navas Tolosae Triumph of the Holy Cross in Las Navas de Tolosa (Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa or Battle of Al-Uqab) |
Jul.17 | 14071730 |
July 16? |
Analyse |
Trophimi Trophimus, Bishop of Arles |
Dec.29 | 14122910 | Analyse | |
Trudonis Trudo (Trond) |
Nov.23 | 14112320 | Analyse | |
Tryphonis Respicii et Nymphae Virg. Martyrum |
Nov.10 | Analyse | ||
Turiani Turianus, Bishop and Confessor |
Jul.13 | 14071320 |
not in Holweck; |
Analyse |
Ubaldi Episcopi et Confessoris |
May.16 | Analyse | ||
Udalrici Ulric (Udalricus), Bishop of Augsburg |
Jul.4 | 14070420 | Analyse | |
Udalrici,8 In week after Ulric |
14070428 | Analyse | ||
Ulgani Vulgan, Hermit |
Nov.1 | 14110110 | Analyse | |
Unius in tribulatione Chants for one in tribulation |
16026010 | Analyse | ||
Urbani Urban I, Pope and Martyr |
May.25 | 14052510 | Analyse | |
Ursulae Ursula, Virgin Martyr |
Oct.21 | 14102110 | Analyse | |
Valentini Valentine, Martyr |
Feb.14 | 14021400 |
Holweck, p.1002; |
Analyse |
Valentini, Epi. Valentine, Bishop of Passau |
Jan.7 | 14010700 |
Grotefend; Holweck, p.1002 (Jan 17 [sic]?); |
Analyse |
Valentini, Hylarii Valentine (priest) and Hilary (deacon), at Viterbo |
Nov.3 | 14110360 |
Holweck, p. 1003; |
Analyse |
Valeriae Valeria of Limoges, Virgin Martyr |
Dec.12 | 14121200 | Analyse | |
Valerici Valericus, Hermit |
Feb.1 | 14020120 | Analyse | |
Valerii Valerius, Bishop of Saragossa |
Jan.29 | 14012900 | Analyse | |
Vedasti Vaast (Vedast), Bishop of Arras |
Feb.6 | 14020600 | Analyse | |
Vedasti,8 In week after Vaast |
14020608 | Analyse | ||
Venantii Venantius, Hermit |
Oct.11 | 14101100 | Analyse | |
Venantii Martyris |
May.18 | Analyse | ||
Verenae Verena, Virgin |
Sep.1 | 14090130 | Analyse | |
Vibiae Perpetuae, Felicitatis Perpetua (Vibia Perpetua) and Felicity, Martyrs at Carthage |
Mar.7 | 14030710 |
Holweck, pp. 368 & 790; formerly feastcode "14030600" with name "Perpetuae, Felicit."; since 1908 on March 6; |
Analyse |
Victoria Pauli Victory of Paul (at Muenster) |
Jun.27 | 14062720 |
introduced in Muenster by Bishop Ludolf von Holte around 1243 and removed in 1759/60; could refer to the return of Paul to Antioch after his first missionary successes (Acts 15: 30-35) |
Analyse |
Victoriae, Anatoliae Victoria and Anatolia, Virgin Martyrs |
Dec.23 | 14122300 | Analyse | |
Victorini Assisiensis Victorinus, Bishop of Assisi and Martyr |
Jun.12 | 14061210 | Analyse | |
Victorini, Floriani, transl. Moving of relics of Victorinus and Florianus to Muenster Cathedral (2 Nov 1164) |
Nov.2 | 14110210 | Analyse | |
Victorini, Mart. Victorinus, Martyr; exiled with Nereus and Achilleus, killed under Domitian |
Sep.5 | 14090500 |
Holweck, p. 1018; |
Analyse |
Victoris Victor, Bishop of Piacenza |
Dec.7 | 14120700 | Analyse | |
Victoris Bracharensis Victor, Martyr at Braga |
Apr.12 | 14041210 |
Holweck, p. 1013; |
Analyse |
Victoris et sociorum Victor of Marseilles and companions, Martyrs |
Jul.21 | 14072110 | Analyse | |
Victoris Mauri Victor Maurus, Martyr |
May.8 | 14050810 | Analyse | |
Vig. Assump. Mariae Eve of Assumption of Mary |
Aug.14 | 14081410 | Analyse | |
Vig. Joannis Bapt. Eve of John the Baptist |
Jun.23 | 14062300 | Analyse | |
Vig. Kiliani et sociorum Vigil of Kilian and companions, Martyrs |
Jul.7 | 14070730 | Analyse | |
Vig. Om. Sanctorum Eve of All Saints' Day |
Oct.31 | 14103120 | Analyse | |
Vig. Relatio Vedasti Eve of Return of Vaast's relics |
Jul.14 | 14071410 | Analyse | |
Vig. Stephani Reg. Eve of Stephen I, King and Apostle of Hungary |
Aug.19 | 14081920 |
Hungarian King (Holweck, p. 934); |
Analyse |
Vigil. Dionysii |
Analyse | |||
Vigilia Andreae Eve of Andrew |
Nov.29 | 14112920 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Bartholomaei Eve of Bartholomew |
Aug.23 | 14082320 |
Holweck, p.135; |
Analyse |
Vigilia Epiphaniae Eve of Epiphany |
Jan.5 | 02010500 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Jacobi Eve of James the Greater, Apostle |
Jul.24 | 14072410 |
Holweck, p.518; |
Analyse |
Vigilia Laurentii Eve of Laurence |
Aug.9 | 14080910 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Martini Eve of Martin, Bishop of Tours |
Nov.10 | 14111030 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Matthaei Eve of Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist |
Sep.20 | 14092020 |
Holweck, p.684; |
Analyse |
Vigilia Matthiae Eve of Matthias, Apostle |
Feb.23 | 14022310 |
Holweck, p.685; |
Analyse |
Vigilia Nat. Domini Christmas Eve |
Dec.24 | 02122400 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Nat. Mariae Eve of Birthday of Mary |
Sep.7 | 14090710 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Othmari Eve of Othmar (Audemar), Abbot |
Nov.15 | 14111540 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Pentecostes Eve of Pentecost |
08077000 | Analyse | ||
Vigilia Petri Eve of Peter |
Jun.28 | 14062820 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Petri, Pauli Eve of Peter and Paul |
Jun.28 | 14062810 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Philippi, Jacobi Eve of Philip and James |
Apr.30 | 14043030 |
Holweck, pp.810-11; |
Analyse |
Vigilia Simonis, Judae Eve of Simon and Jude |
Oct.27 | 14102700 | Analyse | |
Vigilia Thomae Apost. Eve of Thomas the Apostle |
Dec.20 | 14122000 |
Holweck, p.977; formerly 14122200 |
Analyse |
Vigilii Vigilius, Martyr, Bishop of Trent |
Jun.26 | 14062620 |
Holweck, p. 1020; |
Analyse |
Vigoris Vigor, Bishop of Bayeux |
Nov.1 | 14110120 | Analyse | |
Vincentii Vincent of Saragossa, Martyr |
Jan.22 | 14012200 | Analyse | |
Vincentii a Paulo Confessoris |
Jul.19 | Analyse | ||
Vincentii Ferrerii Confessoris |
Apr.5 | Analyse | ||
Vincentii, Anastasii |
Jan.22 |
Jan.22. In the cantus list these 2 saints are not together |
Analyse | |
Vincentii, Orontii, Victoris Vincentius, Orontius (brothers), and Victor, Martyrs, killed near Gerona |
Jan.22 | 14012230 |
Holweck, p. 1021; |
Analyse |
Vincentii, transl. Moving of Vincent of Saragossa's relics to Lisbon |
Sep.15 | 14091560 |
Holweck, pp. 1020-21 (Sep 16); |
Analyse |
Vincentii, transl. in Brachara Moving of Vincent of Saragossa's relics to Braga |
May.4 | 14050450 | Analyse | |
Vincentii,8 In week after Vincent |
14012208 | Analyse | ||
Vincula Petri Peter in Chains |
Aug.1 | 14080100 | Analyse | |
Vincula Petri,8 In week after Peter in Chains |
14080108 | Analyse | ||
Vindiciani Vindician, Bishop of Cambrai |
Mar.11 | 14031100 | Analyse | |
Vinoci Winnoc (Vinocus), Abbot |
Nov.6 | 14110600 | Analyse | |
Visitatio Mariae Visitation of Mary |
Jul.2 | 14070200 | Analyse | |
Visitatio Mariae,8 In week after Visitation of Mary |
14070208 | Analyse | ||
Vitalis Agricolae Mart. |
Nov.4 | Analyse | ||
Vitalis, Valeriae Vitalis and Valeria, Martyrs |
Apr.28 | 14042800 | Analyse | |
Viti et sociorum Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, Martyrs |
Jun.15 | 14061500 |
an edit to this record was contributed by Vera Charvat; |
Analyse |
Viti,8 In week after Vitus |
14061508 | Analyse | ||
Vitoni Vitonus (Vanne), Bishop of Verdun |
Nov.9 | 14110920 | Analyse | |
Vulmari Vulmar, Abbot |
Jul.20 | 14072000 | Analyse | |
Walburgae Walburga, Virgin Abbess |
Feb.25 | 14022500 |
Feb.25 at Eichstätt; |
Analyse |
Waldetrudis Waldetrudis (Waudru), Widow |
Apr.9 | 14040900 | Analyse | |
Wandregisili Wandregisilus, Abbot of Fontenelle |
Jul.22 | 14072220 | Analyse | |
Wenaili Guenael, Abbot of Landevennec |
Nov.3 | 14110320 | Analyse | |
Wenceslai Wenceslas of Bohemia, Martyr |
Sep.28 | 14092800 |
Holweck, p.1032; |
Analyse |
Wenceslai,8 In week after Wenceslas |
14092808 |
Holweck, p.1032; |
Analyse | |
Wiboradae Wiborada, Virgin Martyr |
May.2 | 14050220 |
later altered to May 11; |
Analyse |
Wigberti Wigbert, Confessor, Abbot of Fritzlar |
Aug.13 | 14081320 |
Holweck, p. 1033; |
Analyse |
Wilfridi Wilfrid, Archbishop of York |
Oct.12 | 14101230 | Analyse | |
Willehadi Willehad, Bishop of Bremen |
Nov.8 | 14110820 |
Holweck, p. 1034-5; |
Analyse |
Willelmi William, Archbishop of Bourges |
Jan.10 | 14011000 | Analyse | |
Willibaldi Willibald, Bishop |
Jul.7 | 14070700 | Analyse | |
Willibrordi Willibrord, Bishop of Utrecht |
Nov.7 | 14110700 | Analyse | |
Wironi Wiro, 'Apostle' of southern Netherlands |
May.8 | 14050840 | Analyse | |
Wolfgangi Wolfgangus, Bishop of Regensburg |
Oct.31 | 14103130 | Analyse | |
Wulsini Wulsin, Bishop of Sherborne |
Jan.8 | 14010800 | Analyse | |
Wulstani Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester |
Jan.19 | 14011920 | Analyse | |
Wulstani,8 In week after Wulfstan |
14011928 | Analyse | ||
Wunnibaldi Wunnibald, Abbot; Brother of Willibald and Walburga |
Dec.18 | 14121820 |
check spelling: Wunibald? (Holweck, p. 1043) |
Analyse |
XI milium Virginum 11,000 Virgin Martyrs of Cologne |
Oct.21 | 14102100 | Analyse | |
Yventii |
Analyse | |||
Zenobii Zenobius, Bishop of Florence |
May.25 | 14052500 | Analyse | |
Zenonis Zeno, Martyr, Bishop of Verona |
Apr.12 | 14041200 |
Holweck, p.1048; |
Analyse |
Zephyrini Pape Martyris |
Aug.26 | Analyse | ||
Zoerardi, Benedicti Zoerard (Andrew) and Benedict, Martyrs |
Jul.16 | 14071600 |
Hungarian saints (Holweck, p. 71) |
Analyse |